A funny tip......


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 13, 2007
Bakersfield, CA
My little flock gets to free range in the evenings. I watched them pick a few spots in my little tomato garden to take a dust bath. I strategically planted some herbs next to those areas, just to see what would happen

Now when they roll in their favorite spots they smell like rosemary, thyme, sage, or basil.

My little hens smell herb fresh all day long

Buttercup and Daisy in the basil

Junebug in the rosemary
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Next year maybe I'll try some mint............MINTY FRESH chickens.

What!!!!!! Eat them. I'll threaten that next time they poop on my patio furniture. Strictly egg layers here. Although.... as small as they are they would only amount to a good sized chicken pot pie.
That's so cute! When any of my girls are out, one of their fave places to dustbathe is under the rosemary hedge.

Edited to add:
They ate most of my reseeding annual herb sprouts as they came up this spring. Piggy girls! If they'd been patient, there would have a bounty for us all.
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I LOVE it!!! Thanks for the tip!

I will be sure to plant a lot for them next spring (actually there are a few I can plant now!) I would love for them to smell like rosemary...lol!!! They are not allowed in my herb garden right now but I would be all for planting some especially for them.

Although... if you think about it a step further...it is kinda funny that they are basting...uh...uh...I mean basking in the basil, rosemary, thyme and sage!!
You must have Italian chickens. Mine hang out in the ginger and lemongrass...I guess mine are Thai...LOL!!!

Ya know Dipsy Doodle Doo, these herbs were in little flower pots when I planted them, the girls never really ate them. Probably too many treats...... I mean nutritious dietary supplements.

OOOHHH!!! Lemongrass and ginger, these are possibilities I never thought of. As for Italian, all I need is some garlic and I'd have a nice marinara sauce.

All of this is making me hungry
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