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  1. ShadesofSable

    Young Roo w/ Weak legs

    I have a young BCW polish cockerel of about 4 months that's been getting picked on by the other chickens and has started to develop a wobbly gait and seems to be weak in the legs. He seems otherwise fine and will eat and drink, I haven't tried him on vitamins or wormers yet. He was bought from a...
  2. ShadesofSable

    Green egg?

    I was candling eggs today (day 14!) And one of the less promising eggs has a greenish tint to it instead of the normal yellow/orange/pinkish glow I'm used to seeing when candling. Is it bad?
  3. ShadesofSable

    CCL x Isabelle Leghorn?

    I just set 19 eggs from a Cream Crested Legbar Rooster over Isabelle Leghorn hens. What can I expect the chicks to look like? What genetics are in play to make them so? Will they be sex linked? I got them for the blue egg color, so this is mostly for fun, but I like genetics in general and...
  4. ShadesofSable

    Barred Rock or Cuckoo Maran?

    So I got this chick as a SLW (which CLEARLY she isn't! :) I thought she was a Barred Rock, but she has white/silver legs and beak, which most BR I've seen have yellow. She's hatchery quality, so I wouldn't be surprised either way. The ultimate test is waiting on when she lays that first egg, but...
  5. ShadesofSable

    Silvee laced wyandotte or not?

    I got this chick as a SLW from a feed store a few weeks back and she seems... I dunno... just different from my other SLWs when they were young. First of all, she has a straight comb. No big deal, right? I had another SLW that had a straight comb. It happens. But her legs and beak are white...
  6. ShadesofSable

    Take another crack at this? (breed)

    So as this bird matured I've heard a lot of guess on what breed she is, everything from Cochin to maran to lanshan! She's a bantam from TSC about four months old now, and currently about the size of a pigeon. Because she came from a hatchery, in theory she's a pure breed, but I'm beginning to...
  7. ShadesofSable

    How many lumens are ideal for candling maran eggs?

    I have some maran and maran mix eggs I need to candle, but I can see next to nothing with my current home rig! I'm getting ready to buy a new flashlight tonight, what's a good lumens amount to look for that'll light up a marans egg easily?
  8. ShadesofSable

    What Breed? 4 week mystery chick

    I posted about this chick a while back when I first got her, and got a lot of good guesses but no one who could definitely say "Yep! your chick is a ____!" (You can see the original post and her baby pictures here) Here's the full body. I'm pretty sure this is a pullet as at 4 weeks she has...
  9. ShadesofSable

    4 week old RIR with bad leg.

    My first chicks just turned about four weeks and one of my Rhode Island Reds pullets is suddenly limping. Her left leg is twisting out to the side as she walks and I don't know what happened. :( They're still indoors for now, on wood chip bedding. I've seen this kind of 'blow out' happen in meat...
  10. ShadesofSable

    Wheat Grass for chicks?

    I bought some wheat grass for my cats that they refuse to touch (in spite of eating every house plant they can get to...) so can my 2 and 3 week old chicks eat it? I have some bantams, some standards.
  11. ShadesofSable

    My 3-week old babies, roos or pullets?

    So my First Chicks are 3+ weeks old now, and I'm starting to have some clues that some are boys. So here they are: The Rhode Island Reds Peppercorn (suspected rooster?) Another RIR chick for comparison (both of the other two are developing very similarly) I have no clue...
  12. ShadesofSable

    What has black feet, feathered legs, but only 4 toes?

    So I picked this little one up today while doing checkups, and what I thought was a silky maybe isn't? Current guesses include: Bantam Cochin, Bantam Langshan, and Maran (in the wrong bin). Anyone care to confirm or add a different guess? Dark beak, skin, feet Lightly feathered legs, but...
  13. ShadesofSable

    Any Ideas? (mystery bantam) (And another!)

    (See the new one in the later posts) Got a bunch of chicks from tractor supply this morning, three silver laced wynadonts, three RIRs, three I'm pretty sure are silkies (dark skin, feathered legs, five toes) and one little mystery bantam. Both she and the silkies were in the assorted bantam...
  14. ShadesofSable

    A newbie's hatching diary

    This is to serve as my log for my first foray into chicken keeping! I plan on using a home made incubator and am planning on getting some eggs from a mixed flock. (because hey, who doesn't love surprises? I know I do!!) I'm really excited and hopeful that this'll turn out. Follow along and feel...
  15. ShadesofSable

    Complete and Total Newbie

    Greetings! I'm sort of new to chickens. I got spoiled on home grown eggs when my sister in law, and later my dad, had chickens and gave us free eggs, but I've never been in a position to have chickens myself, but here I am! I'm renting a house and the landlord is letting me have a few hens in...
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