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  1. broncbuster07


  2. broncbuster07

    The Wisdom Of Our Time?

    The Wisdom Of Our Time...
  3. broncbuster07

    A chicken's maximum life span is 15 years.

    Thought this was interesting.
  4. broncbuster07

    Take the turkey quiz! I only got 9 out of 20 correct
  5. broncbuster07

    Do Y'all Eat Livers, Gizzards, and Hearts?

    I love to eat these! I fry them up and smother them in gravy. How do you cook them?
  6. broncbuster07

    GHOST STORY!!!!!

    GHOST STORY? This story happened a while ago in Brisbane, and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's true. John Bradford, a Sydney University Student, was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a very dark night and in the midst of a storm. The night was rolling on and no car...
  7. broncbuster07


    This dog is insane!
  8. broncbuster07

    Politics! Do we dare?

    I recently made a comment on another thread that got a few folks riled up. The thread was about all the school shootings our country has dealt with in recent months. I was trying to be funny and said " It's Bush's fault!", and you'd be amazed at the longwinded, defensive rebuttles I received...
  9. broncbuster07

    Any other DGers here?

    I am a member of a gardening forum called Dave's Garden. Is anyonelse in Dave's Garden? If you're not and you like gardening, you should sign up. Look me up over there, I'm broncbuster.
  10. broncbuster07

    Check out this Watusi!

  11. broncbuster07

    AVOCADOS: poisonous for birds?

    I just read in DG that avocados are poisonous to birds. Does anyone have any evidence of this?
  12. broncbuster07

    Free Ranging does not mean no fences

    I'm seeing alot of posts from people saying they are have trouble with predators getting their free range birds. Free range birds can have boundries. My birds are free range and I have never had a problem with any predators. I live in the country and see coyotes, possums, skunks, and racoons...
  13. broncbuster07

    6 new RIR Bantam chicks

    Check out my grey hen's new babies
  14. broncbuster07

    My Chickens Need Pants

    Does anyone know where I can find pants for my chickens?
  15. broncbuster07

    WANTED: 1 Mature Black Australorp Rooster

    I have 5 hens that have been laying since March, but I'd like to let one hatch some chicks. I've looked all around and only found chicks and eggs. I don't need any advice, unless you know where I could definately find one. Thanks, T
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