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  1. Icrazyaboutu

    Mean hen! Hurting other hens!

    So, We have a total of five chickens, a young rooster and four hens. Grrrrr(yes that's her name) and Lucy are the moms of ALL of our chickens and their mate(our alpha roo) recently was attacked by vicious dogs while defending his flock and didn't pull through. Anyways, Grrrr has always been...
  2. Icrazyaboutu

    R.I.P. Red the rooster

    Sorry if I put this in the wrong place. Didn't see a section for it. Red went like any rooster would be proud to. He was protecting his flock from two attacking dogs. We shooed them away but we were too late he was too far gone. He managed to keep the dogs busy and saved his flock from them...
  3. Icrazyaboutu

    Giardia in the eggs?

    Hi, My cat had giardia(we treated her for it and she is done with it) but we know our chickens like to peck at poop(their poop, cat poop, horse poop,etc.) and we are worried about the giardia. Would it be in their eggs? Are the eggs unsafe to eat? I haven't noticed any hens acting funny... Thank...
  4. Icrazyaboutu

    Young chicks and cold winter?

    Well, our hens decided they would sit on seven eggs and they hatched a few days ago. I feel bad because it is so cold outside. The two other groups of chicks were born during the spring and summer. Not the beginning of winter. One has died of unknown causes and the others are constantly huddled...
  5. Icrazyaboutu

    He or she? Started new one(same chick) Pics included

    Here's the face The tail Tail in light Saddle feathers.? Here you can see the colors and again. If you know what gender or breed please let me know! Really want to know the gender soon though! Thanks! Megan
  6. Icrazyaboutu

    Is this a rooster or hen? Pics included!

    I am so confused with this little one. It sits on eggs with mom and even helps her take care of the babies. It has never crowed and it is almost four months old. It hangs out with the roosters sometimes and I haven't seen any fighting between them... This is the only picture of this side...
  7. Icrazyaboutu

    Young Rooster

    How old are roosters when they start crowing? We aren't sure about one chick. It is almost four months and he doesn't have the head thing like our adult roosters do and he doesn't crow. We were sure he was a boy but now we are second guessing because he is helping his mom with her new babies. I...
  8. Icrazyaboutu

    What breed are my roosters? Pictures attached.

    Both of them The black one is very colorful. His tail is a pretty green and he has some orange and red placed randomly. The red one is all red. Around his neck his feathers are longer. His tail is a dark blue. There might be some green mixed in too. The red one is in charge. Just the red one.
  9. Icrazyaboutu

    Egg fertilization

    Do the roosters fertilize the eggs before or after the hens lay them? My sister think it is after they lay them and I have seen the roosters on top of the hens before, so that gives me the thought that it is before. Please let me know, Thanks!!!
  10. Icrazyaboutu

    Mean mom pecking 1 day old baby!

    I have no clue what to do! This is the first time we have let our hens keep their eggs. Our first one is a great mom but this one keeps picking on the same little baby. She would do this while she was still sitting and the other hens babies wandered over to her roosting box. Should I take the...
  11. Icrazyaboutu

    Chriping? Some still un-hatched though...

    Today when I went up to feed my horses, I saw that one of my chickens has had two of her eggs hatch. Is she gonna stay on her other eggs and is the hen next to her gonna abandon her eggs? She is almost to the hatching point too.
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