Young Rooster


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
How old are roosters when they start crowing? We aren't sure about one chick. It is almost four months and he doesn't have the head thing like our adult roosters do and he doesn't crow. We were sure he was a boy but now we are second guessing because he is helping his mom with her new babies. I am confused. If someone could clarifiy when roosters start crowing that would be great!

Thanks so much! He's about 14 weeks old now and we still haven't heard any crowing. So, I guess we'll now think of him as a her!
If you wait for a rooster to crow to show his true colors, you could be waiting a pretty long time. If there are other roos around, he could stay incognito for quite awhile. Showing roo behavior could get a subordinate roo in big trouble with the alpha roo.
If you post pics, I'm sure someone here could help you identify his gender.
Welcome to BYC!
My boys took forever! My big guy was almost 5 months old and his son is almost 5 months and he just started last week. I still have a little bantam boy who is definitely a boy, but hasn't crowed yet. He is about 15 weeks I guess.

Sorry if the pics are bad.




This is the only one of the other side.


Sorry they are all so blurry. I took them with my phone. If you can tell me if it is a boy or girl please do! Also, if you know what breed it is please tell me too. Thanks!
Based on those pics, they are tiny and can;t can;t see much,m but that looks hen-ish to me. It depends on whether or not it has a bear and what type of comb. If it has no beard and a straight comb, I would definitely say girl judging on the pictures. If they have a beard, they won;t have big red wattles and if they have a pea comb, sometimes they are small and hard to tell.
I'm hoping this picture will define if it is a boy or girl! Please let me know what you think!


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