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  1. fshinggrl

    Easter Egger Roo or Hen?

    yes, definitely a hen! :D
  2. fshinggrl

    2 Golden Laced Wyandottes. Sex?

    I wouldn't be concerned yet. Wattles (not waddles) don't look horribly big right now. I *think* wyandottes tend to mature early. My first birds were SLW so I do know the struggles.
  3. fshinggrl

    Late blooming roo?

    Bruce is a good name!
  4. fshinggrl

    White Laced Wynotte - Boy or Girl at 8 weeks

    That is an awful red comb for being 8 weeks old. They are however a bit difficult to tell, especially at such a young age. Try in a couple weeks!
  5. fshinggrl

    sex and age of mt

    If I am not mistaken, it's a cookoo maran. (Pink legs) Depending on age, looks like a cockerel to me. He looks fairly young, as in maybe 3 months tops. (10-12 weeks if that.)
  6. fshinggrl


    Yeah, that's Norman for sure! Sorry.. definitely a rooster.
  7. fshinggrl

    do i have hens or roos

    You'll get some chocolate colored eggs from that one! Yay!
  8. fshinggrl

    Not sure what Gender, Help!

    Yeah, no eggs from them. What a disappointment after raising them since April. :( You're set for meat though... Sorry.
  9. fshinggrl

    White Plymouth Rock

    HE is gorgous!! To the OP, closer pictures might help. Good luck!
  10. fshinggrl

    What is little Stubby?

    I'm by no means an expert, I have never ordered from IDEAL, but looks like a black australorp cockerel to my very untrained eye. Like I said, just a guess.
  11. fshinggrl

    White Plymouth Rock

    White chickens are very hard to photograph to be able to see 'rooster' type feathers. I'm guessing it is a he since he is mounting the girls. I have ten hens and they have been laying for exactly a year now and I've NEVER gotten 10 eggs on any day. 3 eggs a day is awesome! Is he not crowing?
  12. fshinggrl

    anyone know what breed and what gender he/she is?

    That is definitely a rooster. Could he be a MIX of the breeds you mentioned? Looks like Lohmanns might be part of the mix.
  13. fshinggrl

    Really bossy hen or rooster?

    At six months old, it is a hen. RIR tend to be bossy/mean I've heard.
  14. fshinggrl

    Rosters or hens

  15. fshinggrl

    Thanks for being like an extended family.

    Good luck with the move!!! I know of someone else who made that exact same move a year ago!! I love Montana and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to live in Kalispell or nearby!
  16. fshinggrl

    Solo brahma chick four weeks old

    Ahhh... Cute! Right now nothing screams rooster, but it is still a wee bit early to tell. Update us in a couple weeks!
  17. fshinggrl

    Hen or rooster?

    You may be new to chickens, and believe me, some chickens stump the experts... but the brown one is a rooster. The other rooster is probably dominant and the one you are asking about probably doesn't want to tell him that he is indeed a he as well. It's a rooster.
  18. fshinggrl

    No crow but 5 months old!!!

    The top one is a rooster. How old is the black one (with feathered feet)? Yes, hens will get red in the face before they lay which is why I am asking about age. eta: IF the bottom one is 5 months, she should be laying soon.
  19. fshinggrl

    Scout - Gender guesses

    Thanks for the update!
  20. fshinggrl

    Do I have an Americauna? Is it a Rooster?!

    Yes, Easter Egger cockerel. He's got pointed saddle feathers on top of the red in the wings, which is a tell tale sign.
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