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  1. MisfitMarie

    What predator is killing my chicks and chicken?

    I went outside today to find the legs of my bantam d'Uccle rooster sticking out from under the back deck. It was hard to pull the body back out onto the grass to investigate, and it was clear that something had attempted to pull him under the deck. Upon further inspection, his neck has been...
  2. MisfitMarie

    What do I do? Bully broody hen attempting to chicknap her favorites & peck on the others...

    My Orpington bantam, Pixel, went broody four weeks ago. I managed to successfully sneak some day-old assorted bantams under her in the dead of night, which she happily took to the following morning. While Pixel was sitting, one of my Wheaten Ameraucana hens seemed to sporadically go broody...
  3. MisfitMarie

    I accidentally drowned a baby chick this morning... Feeling awful & a warning to others!

    I’m feeling super crummy today. I have a broody bantam Orpington that was raising five baby bantam chicks for me (three D’anvers and two “frizzles), but I lost one early this morning due to my negligence. We’ve been having extremely warm weather, and I’m not sure what I was thinking yesterday...
  4. MisfitMarie

    Broody hen refusing to relocate to new nest ... where new babies will be waiting!

    I have an Orpington that has decided to hatch eggs. She's been broody for about three weeks now and is more determined than ever to hatch the eggs she has literally flattened herself over. She had gone broody while I was away for a week, and over that week, grew rather attached to her nest...
  5. MisfitMarie

    4 Month Old Easter Egger.... Cockerel or Pullet?

    This is a cross between an Ayam Cemani and a genuine Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. In other words, a pretty Easter Egger mutt cross... I'm having a hard time determining whether or not it's a male or female. 4 Months old today. Any guesses?
  6. MisfitMarie

    What killed my chicken? *GRAPHIC*

    I have a flock of fifteen chickens of different varieties. I have been letting them free range without any issues for the past year. I live in a large suburban neighborhood just outside of city limits, so most predators are not a concern. My backyard is fenced, and there are no holes in my...
  7. MisfitMarie

    16 Week / 4 Month Old Bantam Belgian d'Uccle...?

    I was thinking rooster until his comb stopped growing about a month ago. He also hasn't crowed and has a very mild temperament... Has been getting picked in by my pullets.
  8. MisfitMarie

    What gender is my 7 week-old Porcelain D'Uccle?

    I'm not very good at this, and this is my first time with this breed... but this little one does have a pretty big comb.
  9. MisfitMarie

    Could this be ANOTHER cockerel? =( Bantam Easter Egger: 8 Weeks Old

    I purchased 3 "sexed pullets" from the feed store two months ago, a variety of bantams. Two are already developing into obvious cockerels, and now I have questions about the third one. Bantam Easter Egger: 8 Weeks Old.
  10. MisfitMarie

    BYC FRIENDS.............GUESS WHAT?!?!?

  11. MisfitMarie

    What is the gender of my 8 week-old bantam Cochin?

    This is my hatchery-sexed "pullet" bantam... Eight weeks old and looking rather questionable. Am I actually looking at a little cockerel here? Outgoing behavior and large reddening comb and waddles is concerning to me. Very affectionate little one, always challenging the other chicks, at...
  12. MisfitMarie

    Raising ducks: the good, the bad, and the ugly! Contemplating whether or not to add a couple ducks..

    I live in the suburbs, a few miles outside of city limits. I have a flock of eight chickens: seven hens and one rooster. I have eight quail: again, one male and seven females. I have been on the fence, for quite some time, about adding a couple ducks. It wouldn't be more than two...
  13. MisfitMarie

    Is my 8 week-old bantam sick or ...?

    I have a bantam Orpington that has been acting listless the past few days. It's been eating and drinking fine, but it is not as active as the other chicks. Instead, it stands at the edge of the coop in a fluffed-up position and makes a constant trilling noise. Eyes are often closed. I'm...
  14. MisfitMarie

    Gambel's quail hatch next week! I have some questions! I'm preparing now!

    I started with a few chickens and recently decided to try quail! I adore my coturnix quail and enjoy their tiny eggs! I ended up harvesting the excess males that I hatched out of my incubator, since I learned that you generally want one male with all of the ladies to prevent fighting and...
  15. MisfitMarie

    Which quail hutch should I purchase online? Will you help me shop around? =)

    I lack any woodworking/power tool/building experience... So, I have been saving up a bit of spending money to purchase a nice quail hutch for my Gambel's quail that will be hatching next week. I plan on owning 6 - 10 quail but am open to having more. I am looking for some affordable...
  16. MisfitMarie

    Any guesses on my bantam pullet CROSS? Thanks, BYC Buddies! <3

    I hatched six eggs that were sold to me as "pure breed bantam" eggs from random assorted SEPARATED pens. I gave the chicks away to my aunt and held back my favorite...BUT...I am completely puzzled as to what my pullet is! No response from the seller, and my curiosity is killin' me! Even...
  17. MisfitMarie

    Cockerel chasing pullets, acting like a crazed hormonal teenager... How long?

    A few observations on my young cockerel and four pullets... My Ameraucana cockerel is five months old and started crowing this past week or so. He only crows around 6:30 AM, for about half an hour, and then stops until the next morning. I don't mind the crowing, but I'm sure to have neighbors...
  18. MisfitMarie

    Baby Chick with a crooked beak, seemingly overnight...

    I brought a couple black silkie chicks home two weeks ago. I've handled them every day, but today discovered that one of them has a crooked bottom jaw. I am rather concerned, as it seems to have developed literally overnight. Is there anything I can do to fix this? My chicks are on starter...
  19. MisfitMarie

    I spotted a RACCOON! We have COONS! Please help. =(

    I am new to suburbia. This large, tight neighborhood has quite possibly given me a false sense of security. In my ignorance, I gave my lovely little flock a now-insufficient coop in my backyard. There are openings that a rodent or small mammal could get through, but at the time, I figured it was...
  20. MisfitMarie

    Musings of a twenty-something hobby hatcher: Whole Foods Fertile Chicken Eggs / Rock Island -- UPDAT

    Why play slots when you can take a chance on fertile eating eggs!? --Actual conversation from my trip to Reno-- STORE CLERK: ----- at Safeway, how can I help you? ME: Hi! I've been looking for fertile chicken eggs for eating. It should say 'fertile' or 'fertilized across the top of the box...
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