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  1. rockportdawn

    Blackened vent on my Pekin duck

    My adult Pekin duck's vent area is turning black. I have had 2 others die in the past 3 months from what appears to be the same thing before I realized anything was seriously wrong. I just noticed her vent this morning. Any knowledge or recommendations for me?
  2. rockportdawn

    My banty's toes are crusted, stinky, and she's barely

    My white Silkie Bantam, 7mos. old, has been walking poorly for about 1 month. She chose to stay by herself, laying around and not roosting, which was unusual behavior. I picked her up to check her over about 10 days ago and she was really warm to the touch and had crust on her beak and around...
  3. rockportdawn

    Emaciated Easter_Egger

    I have a sweet chicken who I have had only minimal worries about until yesterday. She is 10 months old and nicely feathered out. I found her on the coop floor and she aparently had not roosted during the night and could not hold herself on the roost. I brought her in to isolate her and then...
  4. rockportdawn

    Sick Bourbon Hen

    My 1yo Bourbon Red hen has been acting like she doesn't feel good for some time. She walks around with her wings down and her back feathers puffed. She stands in her water bowl a few times per day. She is not eating much and is clearly losing weight. She is not her usual active self. My...
  5. rockportdawn

    My 5 month old Emu has fluid leaking from its ear!

    This morning I noticed that my baby emu was down while my other two were out running (acting normally). Upon closer inspection I notice no cuts, lost feathers, nor any other suspicious findings; except its neck was a bit wet and there was apparently clear fluid leaking from one of its ear...
  6. rockportdawn

    Hen building a clutch without fertile eggs?

    I have a young adult Bourbon Red hen who has built a large clutch and is now sitting on it times 3 days. I thought we had lost her a few days ago only to find her quietly on a well camoflaged nest. The kicker is we have no tom anywhere. I guess that I didn't think she would make a clutch...
  7. rockportdawn

    Droopy winged peachic

    I have a sick peachic who is about 4 months old. We brought here home about 3 weeks ago with 2 other peachics. She has had droopy wings and general lethargy for about three days. I isolated her yesterday , made her warm, and she did eat some. I have tried weighing her and want to give her some...
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