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  • Users: chardin29
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  1. chardin29

    Hen or Roo??

    This is a 3 yr old buff orpington/RIR. It is much bigger than the other 4 hatched at the same time. It's much more aggressive than the other 4 and runs their little flock.
  2. chardin29

    Pekin duck broody

    One of my pekin ducks have been sitting on eggs on and off,but the last 4 days she hasn't got up at all. She made a nest in the flower bed and I was told it's not a good idea to move her. Would it be a good idea to fence in the flower bed and put a small pool in for her with her food and water...
  3. chardin29

    Two pekins sitting on the same nest

    I have 2 female pekins and one drake. They built a nest under our central air conditioning unit and the two females have been taking turns sitting. This has been going on for 4 days so far. We put some food coloring on one to see if they switched on and off,and sure enough they do. Is this...
  4. chardin29

    Help raising an indoor pekin duck!

    I have three pekin ducks, two female and one male, outside. I decided to incubate some eggs and only one survived and I had to help it out of its shell bc it was shrink wrapped. Because it was stuck in the shell, his leg if bent the wrong way. When he was three days old I took it to a vet and he...
  5. chardin29

    Baby ducks leg

    I was trying to hatch my first set of ducks and out of 4, one survived. They were 4 days past hatching and he was having problems getting out due to being shrink wrapped. I waited 48 and went in and assisted him. He was pretty weak the first 24 hours and didn't think he would make it, but he is...
  6. chardin29

    Pekin drake aggressive towards baby mallards!

    I rescued 2 baby mallards when they were a few days old three months ago. About a month ago, I put them in the coop but separated them from the other chickens and ducks where they could see each other and get familiar with each other. About two weeks ago I started letting them free range with...
  7. chardin29

    How old is a mallard when she goes broody?

    I have three sixth month old pekin ducks and two three month old mallards. My pekins have made a nest and started to lay eggs a few days ago. Today when I went out to the coop my mallard was laying on them. When I fed all of them she didn't get up. Can a mallard duck go broody at just three...
  8. chardin29

    Duckling Disappeared!!

    I rescued three wild ducks last night when their mom abandoned them for over an hour. I put them in a brooder, the same ones my other baby ducks and baby chicks were in when I first got them. I gave them food and water and a heat lamp. When I left for work this morning all three were in there...
  9. chardin29

    Chicken attacked!

    This is one of my chickens that was attacked by our dog. I allow my chickens to free range during the day and lock them up at night. The past two nights this hen didn't come in. Both days I went out looking for her and didn't find any sign, then when I went back out there today I seen her in the...
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