Pekin drake aggressive towards baby mallards!


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2015
I rescued 2 baby mallards when they were a few days old three months ago. About a month ago, I put them in the coop but separated them from the other chickens and ducks where they could see each other and get familiar with each other. About two weeks ago I started letting them free range with the others and things have been fine until about three days ago. I noticed the drake running them off when they got near the pekins or their pond and they are starting to fly a little bit. Monday night I couldn't find them to put them in and was so worried about them. Tuesday morning when I was feeding the animals they came flying in. Last night they went into the coop until the pekin drake tried to mate with them, then they flew off. I finally got the pekins on one side and locked them in so the mallards would come in so nothing would eat them overnight (even though they can fly right over the fence now). This morning I let the pekins out and fed them and the mallards separate, but I know when I am at work the drake will be mean to them since they will be free ranging. I am not sure what to do in this situation. Should I not let them free range and keep them separate or should I just worry about them at night and lock the drake up by hisself or would that do him harm being by himself? And why would he be so mean to them when they are only babies and is it normal for him to try to mate with them being this young? The pekin ducks are 7 months old if that helps any.
Should I not let them free range and keep them separate or should I just worry about them at night and lock the drake up by hisself or would that do him harm being by himself? And why would he be so mean to them when they are only babies and is it normal for him to try to mate with them being this young?

Keep them separate for a longer amount of time.

He is not trying to mate with them like you think, he is just mounting them. Drakes do this to show their dominance.

Ducks do not like strangers, it will take a while for him to get used to them, but eventually he will.

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