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  • Users: momchick4
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  1. momchick4

    Mixing chicks

    Last Friday I purchased 37 new chicks. The hatchery sent 49 chicks. I have two separate brooders to house them. While cleaning one of the brooders, I will be mixing all the chicks in one brooder. Once bother brooders are clean, will it matter which chicks end up together? Or should I try to...
  2. momchick4

    Golden Sex Links or Buffed Laced Wyandottes

    Feed store said they were golden sex links. They don't have single combs and lay a tiny light (really light) brown egg. The comb looks like a rose comb.
  3. momchick4

    Treating coccidiosis

    I suspect coccidiosis. If I treat and it's not the problem with the Corid hurt? I am waiting on necropsy results.
  4. momchick4

    Creating an Olive Egg Layer

    I have a Wheaten Maran hen and Ameraucana Rooster (black). If I breed these two, will I end up with olive egg layers?
  5. momchick4

    Black & White Sex Link

    Anyone ever heard of a Black & White sex link? My son is showing a Black sex link this weekend at a poultry show. The bird next to his looks like a Barred Rock (with a tint of red in the neck), but they claim it is a sex link. They actually thought it was a black sex link because whoever they...
  6. momchick4

    pecking own feet until they bleed

    I have a turkey that won't stop pecking his own feet (only the center toe). He pecks until they bleed. We have bandaged for the last 2 weeks. One foot looks healed but as soon as I didn't re-bandage today he started pecking. Any ideas? I cant bandage his feet forever.
  7. momchick4

    Healing after Fox Attack

    I have a 15 week old EE pullet that was attacked by a fox last week. The fox pulled all the skin and feathers off her neck. I have her isolated inside the house. She is eating, drinking, and acting normal. She has even gained weight over the last week. I added Duramycin to her water and have...
  8. momchick4

    Egg Cartons for HUGE eggs

    I have 5 red sex links. One of them lays a larger than JUMBO size egg everyday. It will "fit" in the jumbo egg carton, but I can't put two of them side by side in the carton. Any recommendations on what egg cartons would be good to purchase. The other 4 lay jumbo sized eggs. Thanks.
  9. momchick4

    Lice eggs

    Is there a way to remove the lice eggs? I dusted each chicken with Sevin, but wanted to remove the eggs before the hatch. The eggs are stuck to the feather shafts and I don't want to hurt my girls.
  10. momchick4

    Grit - chick vs chicken

    Feed store was out of chicken grit, but the have chick grit. They said it would be ok for the chickens. Any thoughts? I thought the grit would be too fine and not be as effective. Don't want to waste my money if its not what they need.
  11. momchick4

    Summer Heat & Baby chicks

    We are preparing to bring home some new babies soon. My 9 year old is in 4H and wants to raise a chicken for the fair. He has decided to purchase 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Ameraucanas from our local feed store. Once they grow he will show one of each breed at the fair. Here is my question. Husband...
  12. momchick4

    Golden Comet layed first two eggs in one day

    Over the last two weeks, my pullet's combs and wattles have grown tremendously and turned red. The last few days she has been unusually vocal and has been squatting for a few weeks. She is now about 20-21 weeks old. She layed for the first time today, but layed 2 eggs. I am sooooo excited. She...
  13. momchick4

    Rain and drop in Egg production

    It has rained non stop for the last two weeks here in West Coast of central FL. I have 6 laying hens (EE, Black Sex Link, Wyandotte, Jersey Giant, & 2 Marans) and was getting about 4 eggs per day. They have slowed to 1 egg a day and then none for 4 days. Yesterday the EE laid. EE lays Olive eggs...
  14. momchick4

    Fowl Pox healed but Eye Ball looks white

    My girl has completely healed from fowl pox. All lesions are gone and she looks good except her eye. Her right eye was swollen shut from the pox. She finally started opening it Saturday and this is what I see. She is eating, drinking, and acting normal. I was going to start reintroducing her to...
  15. momchick4

    Too late for Fowl Pox Vaccine?

    I have two hens that are quarantined with Fowl Pox. Is it too late to vaccinate the non affected hens?
  16. momchick4

    Gape Worms

    what is the average amount of days for gape worm to kill a chicken. I just dosed with liquid safe-guard (fenbendazole)
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