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  1. PollyWaddle

    CHICKEN WITH WORMS.. I did not know chicken got worms!!!

    Wormwood tincture in their water also helps. In severe cases, such as gapeworm, I've had success administering a wormwood/yogurt mix for no more than 10 days/2x per day (about 2cc's). If you want to know how to make wormwood tincure (herbal extract in alcolhol) you can google it, or I can do...
  2. PollyWaddle

    Does lack of Vitamin D Cause Soft-shelled eggs?

    Yep, it just really got worse. I've had a few that have always had thinner shells, but always older gals. Now, all of a sudden, the young ones are laying thin/soft shelled, too. And thanks, good to know they take in Vit D through their feathers. I suspected they did it somehow....
  3. PollyWaddle

    Does lack of Vitamin D Cause Soft-shelled eggs?

    I live in Oregon, and we've had a VERY long spell without sun (changing tomorrow, though). Do chickens take Vit D in from the sun? If they do, and it's not sunny, would that cause reduced calcium uptake (they have many sources of such: pellets, oyster shell, egg shells, greens), which would...
  4. PollyWaddle

    Pls Help -- Gorgeous 2 1/2 y.o. Favorolle Roo Listless, Can't Stand

    Oh, my gosh. He's been like this for a week. I posted a call for help back then, and didn't think he'd make it this long. He is still eating and drinking, but now can't stand up. We know he's been kicked by the alpha roo -- is this an infection? So hard to see him like this. We feel...
  5. PollyWaddle

    Rooster Listless, Can't Walk, Wings Drooping, Very Thirsty

    Any long-timers have a treatment for botulism??
  6. PollyWaddle

    Rooster Listless, Can't Walk, Wings Drooping, Very Thirsty

    He's had a bad case of mites in the past, and this is different. This appears to be a slow/steady paralysis, where first he couldn't walk, now he can barely stand and his wings started drooping. I did read about these symptoms as some point, but can't remember what people were calling it?? Was...
  7. PollyWaddle

    Rooster Listless, Can't Walk, Wings Drooping, Very Thirsty

    Happened suddenly on Friday. Our gorgeous Faverolle Roo stopped walking, got droopy, won't eat much, but drinking a lot of water. Now his wings are drooping & he can barely stand. Very afraid he will die soon. I remember reading something about this last year, but can't remember. Will someone...
  8. PollyWaddle

    Help! Hen gasping for air!

    Our home-hatched Faverolle/EE mix hen can barely breathe. Facts: She has been through this before, we successfully treated her with a combo of anti-parasite herbs. She was fine until attacked by a dog last Sunday. Kept her inside for a couple of days, she seemed better. Two days ago started...
  9. PollyWaddle

    Give Me Five Good Reasons!

    I can't imagine life without our roosters! We have to live where they can, so we turned from city-slickers to fringe-dwellers because of the ROOS! And ditto for all the reasons that everyone has listed. They are wonderful company and SO funny. Ratios: We've had as many as 1 roo per 6 or 7...
  10. PollyWaddle

    You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

    Here's a new one: If you're a Licensed Massage Therapist and regularly do "bodywork" on your chickens because they won't stop tugging on your pantleg until you pick them up.
  11. PollyWaddle

    Lost my little "Izzy" today :(

    Oh, I'm so sorry! I've lost many, and it always hurts. A farmer friend of ours, who had turkeys and chickens in the same pen, was loosing chickens and couldn't figure out why. Then one day she witnessed one of the turkeys kill a chicken. Maybe that's what happened. Take Care!
  12. PollyWaddle

    First timers at slaughtering...we are SLOW! Help please?

    I agree, if the skin's tearing the water's too hot and/or you dunked them too long. Try this: take about 1/4 block of parafin (canning wax) and melt it in with ~ 3 gal. water. Dunk them quickly by the legs in almost boiling water, and have something (eg long handled spoon) to push them down...
  13. PollyWaddle

    Mealworms and baby chicks

    I think it's ok -- if they were with a momma, she'd be showing them ALL the good bugs by now.
  14. PollyWaddle

    We went to the feed store and came home with more.....

    Oh, thank you for doing that -- you're a good person! And boy, do I understand. We have 35 adults, and my husband pushed for more, so we used broody hens and an incubator to get 32 more. He wanted even more, and I said no, since I end up taking care of them. Anyway, we just discovered a...
  15. PollyWaddle

    When is it safe to turn off the heat lamps?

    I live in central west Oregon, and put my 4-week old chicks outside w/no heat back in June. They did great. I'm sure it's safe now if you're in No. CA and they're 5 weeks. They'll huddle up and keep each other warm if needed...
  16. PollyWaddle

    2 Headed Chicken! Graphic!

    Hey, breezy from Arvada: The one in front (on top?) is a gold-laced Wyandotte, and she's a big one! The other is an EE, and much smaller, so the gold just covers her up! I grew up in Arvada -- left in 1987. How is it there? -PW
  17. PollyWaddle

    2 Headed Chicken! Graphic!

    Oh my gosh! A chicken giving live birth, or wait, a 2 headed chicken?
  18. PollyWaddle

    chicken making strange movement like "hic-ups" with eating

    Hey, I've seen that in a few of my chickens, especially my bantam gold-laced cochin roo. I finally figured out he has worms -- his digestion gets messed up and his crop gets puffy. He gets better when I feed him lots of greens. Look at his droppings to see if there are any worms. Then you can...
  19. PollyWaddle

    Sick pullet- Please help

    I followed a thread on this same issue last month, and many folks thought it might be botulism. Try searching on that topic to see what helped -- I think they did an epsom salt wash followed by electrolytes. Good Luck!
  20. PollyWaddle

    How Common is a Broody EE?

    Hey, so I've had lots of broody hens, but never an EE. I thought a raccoon got her and we'd never see her again, but then my husband found her down the hill in the blackberry brambles sitting on 17!! eggs (not all hers, obviously). She's resting (un)comfortably on them in the closet nest now...
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