You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

Here's a new one: If you're a Licensed Massage Therapist and regularly do "bodywork" on your chickens because they won't stop tugging on your pantleg until you pick them up.
You have a Cornish X?Wow.Most Cornish X don't live past 45 days.

We have 2 cornish cross hens going on 2 years old. Or over 2 years old. Can't remember which, my mom knows. You just have to monitor their feed intake. They will eat themselves to death if given the chance.
You have a Cornish X?Wow.Most Cornish X don't live past 45 days.

We have 2 cornish cross hens going on 2 years old. Or over 2 years old. Can't remember which, my mom knows. You just have to monitor their feed intake. They will eat themselves to death if given the chance.

I was on YouTube reading the comments to a video called "45 day life of a brolier chiken."The chickens in the video were Cornish X.
You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if you.....

Get up in the morning to go to work and your chickens are on your front steps waiting on you and if you are not fast enough with the feed ,they come on in the house to try and get it themselfs.

or you think your Siapans are the cutest little birds around . lol
You might be a crazy chicken lady if you.....

If you run outside in sudden rain storm with a golfers umbrella because your chickens are to dumb to go through gate to get to coop.
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That and they're bred for quick weight gain. Even meat turkeys are like that - you really do have to feed them differently to get them to live past slaughter age, and definitely never the meat-building feed.

So you might be a crazy turkey lady if you still buy four birds that you know are going to have leg problems if you don't monitor their feed constantly -just because you fell in love with their little faces.
Yes, My Cornish X, Clucky, is 5 months old now. I got him when he was 3 days old. He pecks around with the others and even has a girlfriend (a slightly older Barred Rock) He doesn't seem as interested in feed anymore, I think he want's to get buff for his girl, lol.
He's still big, but he can get around with the others. He seems to act just like a normal chicken now, but he has come a long way from when I brought him home. He still enjoys a 4 wheeler ride every now and then, lol.
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