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  1. linmar

    4 birds gone---help

    I am in NH and need some Yankee know how. All the state animal lady said was to get the electric fence working--but, can't a coyote jump the so-called poultry protector ($350.00 or so)? I have noticed traps on ebay, but don't want to harm myself setting it up. Also, I've read that certain...
  2. linmar

    pump for emptying duck pool

    Hi, I was all set to buy a simple hand pump from my hardware or spa dealer but then wondered how it would work with the nasty stuff suspended in the duck water. Wouldn't a regular pump get stopped up by debris? recommendations please. owner of 10 messy dux
  3. linmar

    Icelandic Chickens

    There's a place in southern NH near Keene that sells Icelandics. I can hardly wait to pick them up. I can't find the name of the farm, but the guy's name is Franck Richards.
  4. linmar

    for Colorado chicken people: adopt a hen
  5. linmar

    predators of Lebanon, NH

    A northern goshawk nearly killed our Dominique hen and also attacked our Ameraucana: two different piles of chicken feathers in the front and back yard. A little later I saw the hawk perched on the coop, trying to get in. The attacked hens were in shock, but I got them out of it by feeding...
  6. linmar

    Question about building duck pen and including part of pond

    "As for water... I have a small pool next to my veggie garden. Ducks hop in, poop, play, poop, splash, poop and poop some more. I grab a bucket and use that water to water the veggies. Rinse the pool once I've emptied it into the garden, refill it and repeat. Free fertilizer for my plants smile...
  7. linmar

    Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

    Chix really do like grapes, and they love peach peelings. shrimp and ham bone peelings. but, we have only 7. i am planning on planting a special garden for them this spring. giving them fresh stuff is better than dried, so i am planting for them corn, soy, and buckwheat. they can then eat...
  8. linmar

    NH duck advice sought

    Hi, we are in Lebanon, NH, and want to have some ducks this spring. There is a little stream running thru the back of our yard. Part of the stream makes a little marshy pool, and the rest runs on to a large marsh way down the road near Etna Rd and 120. There are woods on the other side of the...
  9. linmar

    Just some thoughts from my past year of chicken owning....

    I have no illusions that my chickens "love me," but I think I love them. from the Chicken Book, 1975: "You are not keeping them, of course, to make or even to save money. you are not keeping them as pets.You are keeping them for the simple pleasure of their company and the beauty and tastiness...
  10. linmar

    How to feed your chickens for FREE!

    Great news. Actually, my stores, like whole foods and the Coop already send their trimmings to local organic farmers. South of Lebanon at Riverside Farms, their trimmings go right to their chix---I asked. Another possible source is grain from breweries--but not so sure about this. This...
  11. linmar

    Movie: chickens enjoying left-over spaghetti and onions all different ages. The Rhode Island Red and the whiskered Ameracauna survived a fox attack several years ago. The Buff Orpington the the sleek Ameracauna replaced the hens killed by the fox about 1.5 years ago. We drove these hens from Colorado to...
  12. linmar

    How do you get your chickens to eat cabbage?

    Quote: I save every little bit of fat from meat trimmings and soup skimings, freeze it and later put it over things I make for them. A new recipe: boil quinoa. Add finely ground egg shells and fat, olive oil perhaps. Serve. The omegas that you give them probably end up in the eggs you eat.
  13. linmar

    My hen won't eat the feed, only treats.......

    Treats I've been around the kitchen more than usual and cooking more and so, producing more food scraps. Everything goes to the hens AND they have been producing more eggs that are tastier than ever. Real food is a varied diet--not just a treat. They eat grass in the summer, but now there...
  14. linmar

    Our rooster is too fast for our aging hens---help!

    He is absolutely beautiful, muscled, and mighty, a 5 months old Dominique. We got him my mistake from the egg lady in Claremont NH. He is enamoured of our elderly Rhode Island Red, who can't handle the attention. She survived a fox attack 2 years ago, and we paid (thru the nose) and prayed...
  15. linmar

    is corn as main ingredient good for chickens?

    Corn as feed. I don't eat mammals that are fed corn to fatten them and try not to give much to my chickens. I suspect organic corn may be OK, but not the industrially grown product. In addition, those commercial animal meals are very processed. I hardly compost anything from the kitchen or...
  16. linmar

    Coldest night yet - heat lamp for one night?

    From Lebanon NH, where it's sunny only when it is below freezing. We brought our 7 chickens into the bathroom last night. What a mess today. This am it is still really cold and we had to separate out the rooster and cage him downstairs: he is so noisy. I will get even with him later this...
  17. linmar

    appropriate parents for our spring chix??

    Hi, We acquired a very handsome Dominque rooster by mistake in Sept. We have a very wise and reasonable ameraucana about 2 years old. What would chix from the above 2 be like?? After 2 years with our flock we really don't know much about them, but are constantly surprised and amused. For...
  18. linmar

    Moving to NC; how do I move my flock?

    We moved 4 hens from Colorado to NH. At first we had them in cages in the back of our truck, but 1/2 thru the journey, we just let them wander about. It was like they were back seat drivers because they had hopped up on some bags and looked forward into the driver's area. We gave them treats...
  19. linmar

    chicken sitter needed in NH

    Thank you all so much. Our hens all have the Myrick's vaccination, but the babies don't. I'll try to post some pix later. lin
  20. linmar

    NEW Hampshire

    We are in Lebanon, near Hanover and need a chicken sitter for several weeks in Dec. 4 hens and 3 adolescents. We can pay $15/visit. Lin
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