Icelandic Chickens


Shawn.........7 kids?

So that means you're gonna be hatching again Kathy?
There's a place in southern NH near Keene that sells Icelandics.
I can hardly wait to pick them up. I can't find the name of the farm, but the guy's name is Franck Richards.
That sounds like LisaNH here on BYC. Her name is Lisa Richards I believe. Good luck with them. She has nice birds from the pictures I have seen.
I just went down to check the incubator and one of my eggs had pipped. It was from under a broody so I didn't know when it was due. The others are much less farther along, just veining and some with eyes. I did not want to raise and only child. So my other three broody girls have eggs due to hatch tomorrow. I decided to slip my egg under one of them. The first girl I checked no longer had five eggs under her but five chicks! This is going to get grody so skip to the next paragraph if you have a weak stomach. WARNING leave now or get grossed out. OK, broody Mama had taken a liquid broody green poop in the plastic nesting bin! The baby chicks were soaked. It was so stinky and gross. I cleaned the chicks off as best I could. They are all still kind of wet from hatching too. Then I removed the bin and put shavings down on the floor and mama got back on the babies there on the floor. I am hoping they will clean up some in the shavings. I hope they are ok. I will be a nervous wreck until I check on them in the morning.

Ok sissies, the other nest box I checked had a broody mama who had hatched out three of her four eggs and the fourth was pipped so I slipped my pipped egg under her. Then I checked on Skye in the nest box in the layer coop and of her five eggs, she has two pips. I think the others hatched early because it is much hotter in the little coop they are in. So, as of now I have nine new babies and seven more to go. My peach colored girl is doing well with her one baby. They are coming out of the coop for walks and digging in the dirt. It is sweet to watch.

I'll update with pics tomorrow. I still have eight in the incubator too. So counting Lukka's 5 babies I could have 26 little chicks soon. Surely out of that there will be six pullets to replace the ones I lost. Not that you can ever replace them, but you know what I mean, get the numbers back up.

Thanks for listening, now back to our regularly scheduled program. Where are the pics Jake?
YAY for the new babies, Mary! Good broodies. Hope the poopy ones get all cleaned up. Crazy chickens! I look forward to pictures!

Didn't get the temporary ghetto coop done yesterday. Gotta finish up today.


OH, I got some pictures of my itsy bitsy bird, too.....




Michelle goats become family too, they are good company, especially on a hiking trail ! Your girl there is very photogenic!!
Whats her name translate as?

Laree, you will be proud when the little one comes home proudly telling you all that was learned at school! Enjoy it with them.

Shawn you really need that home on the farm, no better place for kids, all of us actually.

Mary thats a very good pistol, but you will be much more accurate at longer range with a rifle, especially a .22, they are inexpensive, especially good used ones. I have found enough bear scats and dig marks in the ground that I routinely take my .45 on my walks. In Wa it will be the same thing.

My computer guru and mechanical thingys son is coming over this weekend and I will see if he can get me over the pic wall .

Yesterday I took the time to sit with them out in the run, during the time I had five of them taking turns on my lap plus one roo who came up to see what all the interest is. The hatch from Mary is growing so fast that even The Contessa looks smaller now, the rooster I will keep is the biggest chick out of the hatch and he is getting to be gorgeous, sure nothing drab about any of the former chipmunks.

I noticed also the young splash roo on the last page or so is also a SC. Does anyone have one with as much white without a SC? Also, all my at first yellow and then splash pullets have all added wheaten, or blue and wheaten, none are now white. They are though all beautiful.

It is fascinating to watch them develop !! Blau is still the benign master of all that he surveys, he allows the other roos to crow, but takes offense when any start to chase the pullets, other then Isison who he tolerates, Bjorn he hasnt yet allowed that privelege. I am sure that will change.

Re " verbalizations", to date I recognize six different sounds that Blau makes, all of which the flock responds to, how about you all?

Life is good, its better with Icelandics, and Goats !
Hi Hillbilly Hen!

I am on page 7 now. Yep, I am verrry slow too.

More I read about Icelandics, the more I like them, and want to have some a.s.a.p!

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