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  1. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    A good proportion of those in prison are there for drug offenses, many minor. Fully half of federal prisoners are drug offenders, and about 1/6 of those in state prison. As for allowing women and minorities to vote...things were not better before that happened. Read some history, please.
  2. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    I know Texas history is required in Texas; how can anyone in this state think that Anglos alone are responsible for establishing Texas? As for the rest of the country, Florida, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Texas were all Spanish developed territories. There were...
  3. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    Texas has a very bad reputation for putting the innocent away. Here where I live, a man spent 25 years in jail for killing his wife. There was prosecutorial miscounduct, botched evidence and a da that refused to test evidence. The real killer killed at least once more, and an innocent man...
  4. mom'sfolly


    The transgender potty issue is actually an easy fix. In most homes, boys and girls' men and women use the same rest rooms. The deal is they all have a door and a lock. Shower facilities don't have to be gang style, rest rooms do not need to be huge and open. Additionally, no school is going...
  5. mom'sfolly

    Farm boots- Muck boots, Mudruckers, Cheap boots???

    These are what everyone in Southeast Alaska, day in, day out. They are long-lasting and durable. If you are looking for something else.
  6. mom'sfolly

    Rants and raves of an old soul in a new age.

    When I was referring to the hiding going on, I wasn't advocating that. What I was saying was that the "Mayberry" mask wasn't real. When outsiders see a quaint little town, they don't see the nasty politics, the alcoholism, the domestic abuse, the meth labs etc. In the old days, people didn't...
  7. mom'sfolly

    Rants and raves of an old soul in a new age.

    I think there can be a lot done better in this world. I grew up in a small town Alaskan town where hunting, fishing and doing on your own was normal. Many people gardened, but many did not. Pretty much everyone hunted, fished and gathered. We didn't have TV for more than 6-8 hours a day, had...
  8. mom'sfolly

    Falconry and hawking

    The only types of birds allowed for apprentices are red-tailed hawks and American kestrels. They must be caught as first year birds.
  9. mom'sfolly

    Nasty neighbor....

    The majority of the HOA board is in my camp, or at least neutral. And the animal control person was on my side as well. She knows you can't see my chickens from the road. My husband and I tried to see the birds, and the only way we could see into the run was to climb on the fence. I think...
  10. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    whoops... I guess I was wishing for a spare $100 bucks for Christmas.
  11. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    The Fed is about $100 years old, and our dollar is about 220 years old. So we have had a "Federal Reserve" for almost half of our money's history. I don't think it is going away.
  12. mom'sfolly

    Nasty neighbor....

    Rufus, she's from Dallas. I think she wants the whole world to be like Dallas. This is the area of the world where they called in the SWAT team to raid a farm....what they found was compost and building material...
  13. mom'sfolly

    Nasty neighbor....

    This person lives about 1/4 mile from me, but in my neighborhood. This summer she complained about my chickens to the HOA. The HOA rules say that no one can keep poultry "for commercial purposes"; and the board had previously ruled in my favor. I knew I was golden, but still had to deal this...
  14. mom'sfolly

    Why do people choose to be vegans?

    I have to disagree that there are few people who are raised vegetarian, and have never eaten meat. If you had qualified that with a "American" it would have been a true statement. I have quite a few friends from Indian, many of whom have never eaten meat, and never will. Some of their...
  15. mom'sfolly

    Why do people choose to be vegans?

    I think many vegans come at it from an animal rights point of view; hence no wool or honey. In the case of wool, the breeding, raising and shearing the sheep is considered unnatural activity, and in the case of shearing, stressful for the animal. Honey also confuses me, since you can take...
  16. mom'sfolly

    Great Depression of 2016

    I get a little tired of the same stories about elected officials compensation and retirement benefits. They do not 100% of their final salary, the do not get it if they have only served 4 years, it is in black and white...
  17. mom'sfolly

    It's a sad day for South Africa today

    A sad day for the world. He was one of the world's true heroes.
  18. mom'sfolly

    How to Ask my Parents to move out?!

    I think Punk has this situation right. You are dealing with someone with mental illness; your mother. I think, in some ways, dealing with a family member with mental illness is like dealing with someone with addiction. Your mother's behavior isn't going to change. It is who and what she is...
  19. mom'sfolly

    What brands of appliances would you recommend?

    The other thing to keep in mind is there are fewer manufacturers than there are labels. I think only 3 or 4 companies make washing machines, the rest are relabeled. The relabeled ones can be cheaper or more expensive, so it pays to do your research. I have a variety of appliances in my home...
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