Great Depression of 2016

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lol thinking sometimes gives everyone a headache but my school used to encourage a lot of it anyway. My friend was always that person wanting to start debates about whether or not we exist and the conditions of humankind's tenancy on this planet, and I always swore I'd just attempt to live my life without attracting too much attention to myself :lau

Although I agree in some cases immigration presents a lot of problems, I think it also brings many benefits to the destination country. I don't talk about America specifically but all countries, because frankly I don't know anything much about America. In a lot of developed countries the birth rate is falling, life expenctancy going up and as a result the dependency ratio increasing very fast - natural increase simply can't cater for all those pensions and job vacancies, because in many cases it doesn't actually exist anymore.
So immigrants who are looking for a better life and can fill those places. As more developed countries we shouldn't begrudge them that, many of them legitimately are struggling in their home countries and it could be the only chance for them to feed their children and send them to school back home, or bring them out as well so they can have a better education elsewhere. It can't be easy for one parent or both to decide to leave their kids behind and head to another country, do backbreaking labour just so those kids can have a better future. You guys aren't the only ones looking out for your children.
So many developed countries complain about all the immigrants and how they're degrading their society (get over yourselves), but get rid of them and not only would the economy of the host country collapse, so would those of many developing countries where the immigrants originate. In some countries remittances from young workers heading overseas can account for up to 50% of GDP.
And besides, I think it's heartless for countries who have the means to support these people to turn them away, simply because they could be even richer themselves if they did so. People from other countries bring workers, skilled or unskilled (someone's got to do those jobs, and if you want to close your borders to people who are willing to do them, it could be your children scrubbing toilets one day), culture, variety in food, clothing, etc. and so benefits for all countries involved.

If Americans (as in US Citizens) were to migrate in huge numbers to some other country and try to take advantage of them it probably would be seen as an invasion, because America as one of the richer and more developed countries in the world should be one of the countries providing support and opportunities to others who are looking for them, not the other way round. And personally (but it's probably just me) I think it should be a privilege to do so. I'm glad I live in a developed country, and think we shouldn't deny people who never had that opportunity but have so much to bring to us the chance to do the same.
In all honesty the schools want students to read, memorize and repeat. Rinse and repeat. This change in the school system should scare any free thinking adult!

In Australia recently there was a big thing about the conservatives now in government wanting to change the school curriculum to place more emphasis on the "benefits of western civilisation" and discount Aboriginals as part of Australian history. That's what this point reminded me of.
Everyone should have the right to speak, even if it something you don't agree with or want to hear. Otherwise we should all just start doing the 'goosestep' now. Wait..I think the world already went through that.
I would defend the right of anyone to speak, or not speak if that is what they want to do.

Unfortunately in a lot of universities and schools, people shout down speakers rather than let them explain their view points. It seems to be the modus operandi of liberal schools. Does everyone have to parrot the party line?
Unfortunately in a lot of universities and schools, people shout down speakers rather than let them explain their view points. It seems to be the modus operandi of liberal schools. Does everyone have to parrot the party line? youngest is such a liberal...and my oldest is such a conservative the debates in this house..oh my gosh..But everyone is encouraged to speak their mind. I raised all my children to speak their mind, to vote (my youngest will register on her birthday lol she can hardly wait) but to be respectful of the other's opinion. Yes eyes roll, yes voices are some times raised, yes there are silly statements and parroted lines from each of their party's, however when they are put on the spot to 'defend' their opinion..the verbs/thoughts that come out of their mouths..are their own thoughts and heartfelt opinions. I can hear the wheels turning! I love it, they and others like them are our futures. I am eager to see what they do.

Unfortunately in a lot of universities and schools, people shout down speakers rather than let them explain their view points.  It seems to be the modus operandi of liberal schools.  Does everyone have to parrot the party line? youngest is such a liberal...and my oldest is such a conservative the debates in this house..oh my gosh..But everyone is encouraged to speak their mind. I raised all my children to speak their mind, to vote (my youngest will register on her birthday lol she can hardly wait) but to be respectful of the other's opinion. Yes eyes roll, yes voices are some times raised, yes there are silly statements and parroted lines from each of their party's, however when they are put on the spot to 'defend' their opinion..the verbs/thoughts that come out of their mouths..are their own thoughts and heartfelt opinions. I can hear the wheels turning! I love it, they and others like them are our futures. I am eager to see what they do.

That sounds brilliant, and yes I agree with you!
I wish that I was the sort of person who could form coherent sentences when partaking in conversations. :p Usually by the time I've recovered a command of the English language the time for speaking is past and the topic being discussed is several miles removed from the one I've just spent the past five minutes thinking about. And as a result, I usually get creamed in arguments with my friend (affectionately nicknamed The Capitalist, she wants to be a billionaire some day. I kind of want to be a billionaire sometimes as well, but I usually ignore that because it's just the world we grow up in :p) and stand there trying not to laugh at my own complete failure to say anything that makes me sound rational, convincing, knowledgeable or, at times, sane.

My mother says she doesn't get involved in politics because of her religion.
But she is so conservative... ;P
I know Texas history is required in Texas; how can anyone in this state think that Anglos alone are responsible for establishing Texas? As for the rest of the country, Florida, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Texas were all Spanish developed territories. There were Spanish settlements in Florida 20 years before the Roanoke colony was established. Most of the Southwest became part of the United States through conquest.

As for Native American populations and contributions to the development of the United States, again go back and read some history. After the first Europeans hit this continent, up to 90% of the Native population died in a series of "plagues", infectious diseases to which they had not prior exposure. This meant the Pilgrims landed in cleared villages devoid of people. The Pilgrims considered it an "act of God", and evidence that this land was intended for them. As for warfare, who doesn't fight when their country is taken from them? By the way, scalping was used on all sides during the Colonial era, and included British and French forces placing bounties on Indian scalps, French placing bounties on British scalps, and British placing bounties on French scalps.

Saying that only the US is American is both incorrect and ignorant. There are many American countries.
Sorry, I speak too much on the internet and usually say nothing of consequence. I'll leave you to continue your conversation in peace (lol, as peaceful as it gets here, I read along with interest...) now. :p
(Consolidation of knowledge learned in geography over the past two years can wait for another day, or never because I will probably never have to use it again considering what I'm studying now.)
I apologize. I don't hate Americans or America. My grandfather was in the Navy and I am so grateful to those who protect us. I was just upset, please forgive my words out of turn. I guess in my anger I turned around and did the same thing.
Actually, the US is a pretty good place filled with good people. Well, given human nature, we are a pretty good lot. Poverty in most of the world is starvation; poverty in the US is not having an XBOX or Wii. Nobody starves to death; so far we haven't been ethnically cleansed. We don't hang gay people or stone adulterers. Sometimes we even elect them to public office.

Our nation did have slavery, but that was ended by the good nature of mankind and the union army. People of color live better in the US than in most countries in Africa. Plus, we don't have all of the tropical diseases and parasites that are found in Africa.

We had one of the best health care systems in the world. Whether we will in the future remains to be seen.

It is in our nature to give everyone a fair shot in life. If someone doesn't make it, that does not reflect upon the rest of us.
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