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  • Users: my3jsons
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  1. my3jsons

    how to delete my BYC coop page?

    I would like to remove our coop plans from the BYC coop pages so I will stop getting email request for plans. I can't find a delete anywhere. How do I do that? Thanks!
  2. my3jsons

    Bantam? Cochin? What are these?

    Someone gave me these little feathered legged chickens for our farm yesterday. I really don't know what they are but they sure are pretty. Bantam is the smaller size, right? What breed do you think they are? Isn't this a rooster/hen pair? Our pet goat really likes them! Our egg layer...
  3. my3jsons

    Dying chickens possibly Coccidiosis?

    We lost a chicken last week and now have another one dying. They look like they are very weak and just lay there. It took the first one almost a full day to die. They aren't limp but they don't want to move. The chickens are around 3 to 3 1/2 years old and are New Hampshire reds. I...
  4. my3jsons

    Anyone ever use New Hampshire Red's for meat chickens

    We are using Freedom Ranger chickens right now for meat chickens but had thought about using New Hampshire Reds instead and just butchering the roos and keeping the pullets for laying. Has anyone used this breed for meat? How old were they when you butchered them? Could you tell a difference...
  5. my3jsons

    What breed is best for meat chickens?

    We already raise our own beef, pork, and lamb so I guess it's time to venture into meat chickens too. What breed do you feel makes the best meat chickens? Is there a breed that is grows more naturally (but still quickly) than the Cornish X? Males or female - any difference in raising or...
  6. my3jsons

    rock star chicks

    My son just got his own baby chicks. He wanted some really special ones so he decided on Polish chicks. He thinks they look like rock stars so these girls were named Blondie, Tina Turner, & Stevie Nicks.
  7. my3jsons

    baby chick with protruding vent

    Only a week or so old and this little one has a problem with it's bottom. It seems to be having trouble pooping. No pasty butt though. It's vent is protruding out. I had just cleaned it up in this pic by putting a little pressure on the side to relieve it and then washing it off with a...
  8. my3jsons

    Do any other chicks look just like Ameraucanas?

    I saw some pullet chicks at the feed store but of course they don't know what kind they are. They look just like my Ameraucana chicks I raised last year. Are there any look alike chicks out there? Just want to know what I might be getting.
  9. my3jsons

    Red roo or pullet

    I bought production red pullets but this one I am thinking is a roo. My husband doesn't think so. It has larger combs and wattles and is now getting green feathers on it's neck. I am not sure about the age. No crowing yet. What do you think? The other 8 look like this one:
  10. my3jsons

    introducing new pullets to flock

    At what age can you introduce new chicks to the existing flock? Is it ok when they are fully feathered? Or do they need to be more equal in size? I'm not really sure how old they are. The farm store said 2 weeks when I bought them but I think they were older than that.
  11. my3jsons

    magic eraser gets tough stains off eggs

    I recently had to treat some of my chickens with Blue Kote and was unhappy with the fact that there were purple marks on the eggs. They didn't wash off with just water. I found that a Magic Eraser (you know the white foam sponges) will take off most any stain to make perfectly pretty eggs.
  12. my3jsons

    Whole flock has Favus

    After much research on the internet about Favus (avian ringworm), we have decided that our whole flock has it. At first we thought it was just the rooster but after inspecting all the hens we found white and black spots on all their combs and wattles. I called 3 farm vets in our area who...
  13. my3jsons

    mites? and what to do about them?

    My rooster's combs and wattle have looked funny for a month or so. Recently he has been doing alot of head shaking. Now the comb and bottom edges of the wattles are half black and scabby looking. His feathers don't look great either especially the tail but I wondered if that was just because...
  14. my3jsons

    can you tell me what is going on with these chickens?

    My favorite Araucana showed up looking like this yesterday. The grayish areas appear to be feathers that have broken off. She always allows me to pick her up and often follows me around to be held but not now. And since I am asking, does anyone know what the deal is with my rooster's comb...
  15. my3jsons

    check out my new egg cartons

    I printed clear stickers with the name of our little farm. I just love the round 1/2 dozen containers. The clear plastic is holding up better than the cardboard to refill again and again.
  16. my3jsons

    pale beaks and legs

    My hens seem to be getting paler in the beaks and legs. Mostly the white rocks, but also the buff rocks and the barred rocks. Ameraucana girls look good. I'm feeding Purina Layena with treats of oatmeal, veggie scraps, whatever. Shouldn't white rocks have yellowish legs and beaks not cream...
  17. my3jsons

    blue bottom chicken

    **Note to self** Free ranging the chickens is not a good idea when hubby has just sprayed the grass with blue colored grass killer! Secretly, she has always wanted to be an Ameraucana so she snuck into the horse round pen where he was spraying. I do hope her eggs don't turn blue or square...
  18. my3jsons

    what breed is this one?

    It is gray and white all over with grayish/green legs. Also can you tell if it is a roo or a pullet? thanks for your help.
  19. my3jsons

    fly predators

    Have any of you used fly predators? They are little bugs that you sprinkle around the yard that feed on the next generation of flies. I have seen them advertised on RFD TV during horse programs and thought someone my have tried them. Let me know what you think of them if you have. thanks!
  20. my3jsons

    free ranging

    Do they eat less feed when they are free ranging? Are they healthier that way? We have a run but let them out to roam often. Just wondering what everyone thought and if we should have put up a fence at all.
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