fly predators


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
Have any of you used fly predators? They are little bugs that you sprinkle around the yard that feed on the next generation of flies. I have seen them advertised on RFD TV during horse programs and thought someone my have tried them. Let me know what you think of them if you have.
I have not but I work with 3 gals that do use them religously for their horses. They all will swear by them! They say it works, and they order them I think twice a year, but don't quote me on that!
My Brother lives between 2 farms and tried them this year. In years past you could not sit outside and Not be shooing flies.
This year, Not a fly to be found. I can't believe how good they work.
I use them - I have 6 hens and ordered predators for 8. I had a huge fly problem before I got them but since getting them there is a massive reduction in flies. I also sprinkle DE into the sand int eh run when I rake it - so it may be the combination that is making the difference but I have no problem anymore. Just don't sprinkle them where the hens can eat the little egg cases. I sprinkle mine in an open leaf composter that is about 8 ft from the coop and that is close enough and the hens dont get in it so the predators all hatch out safely.

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