Do any other chicks look just like Ameraucanas?


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
I saw some pullet chicks at the feed store but of course they don't know what kind they are. They look just like my Ameraucana chicks I raised last year. Are there any look alike chicks out there? Just want to know what I might be getting.
From my experience "Amerucanas" from a feed store are usually if not all Easter Eggers. I've been told if you want an Amerucana to purchase from a breeder. Then you know exactly what you are getting.
I bought 6 "Amerucanas" from my local Feed store and they all turned out to be Easter Eggers.
If you are referring to the "fat cheeks" the ameraucanas has as a chick, the only other breed I can think of off the top of my head is the salmon faverolles; but the SF will also have feathered legs.
As far as blue eggs go, my feedstore orders from Ideal and all of them except the roo lay bright blue eggs, one lays a slightly greenish egg.

When I crossed back to my Wheaten Am. (beardless fault but from a GA breeder) I got one boy and one girl (some of the eggs got crushed half way through by a fat hen...) They are much closer to Am then their mothers.

(they are staying but are 'mutts' that have a greater than 75% chance to carry the blue egg gene)
I'm not concerned about them being official Ameraucanas. The ones I have and love are probably just EEs. I just wanted to know if any other breeds look similar but are not EEs.
The ones I saw look like this one.
The body colors are highly variable so just look for puffy cheeks and green legs. Those features are not required to be an EE but they're typical and will exclude other breeds.

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