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  1. ChickenGirl555

    Avian Flu and New Chicks?

    I live in Wisconsin and was planning on going to the March 12th swap meet and March 19th swap meet to get my chicks for this spring, but now I’m unsure due to the recent avian influenza problem. There’s still snow on the ground here, so I would keep the chicks indoors for likely the typical 5-6...
  2. ChickenGirl555

    Chick’s Leg Injured

    I have a little 3-4ish week old chick who’s been perfectly healthy and happy, but last night I came home and when checking on them I noticed Chick Jagger couldn’t stand and was basically throwing herself across the brooder, army-crawling to move. She can take a few steps but then falls. When I...
  3. ChickenGirl555

    Chick Won't Stop Screaming

    I hatched 2 of my own chicks almost a week ago. My first hatch actually came on day 20 while the other took its time until day 24 (I took out Griffin after 18 hours because he was really messing with the second's unhatched egg). The first chick I've named Griffin, the second is Cricket. They're...
  4. ChickenGirl555

    Help! Hatched Chick Bleeding?

    I just woke up this morning to my final egg hatching—a late bloomer who I was going to give up on last night but actually FORGOT, and it saved it. But when I came down the umbilical cord was still attached to the egg and chick, and I noticed blood was everywhere. As I’m typing this right now...
  5. ChickenGirl555

    Chick Without A Tail & Copper On Cochin??

    I got a Splash Orpington and Black Cochin Bantam from a swap meet in mid-March (among the 11 total I got). I’m pretty sure the orp is a cockerel (although please let me know what you think) and the Cochin is a Pullet. My Splash has always been healthy and typical, no odd behavior or any health...
  6. ChickenGirl555

    Leaving Hatched Chick In Incubator - Bad?

    I have read many articles and pieces of advice where they recommend leaving chicks in the incubator until they are dry. I have incubated twice before, with both times removing the hatched chick(s) as soon as it started getting energetic and moving the other eggs that were trying to hatch. But...
  7. ChickenGirl555

    Can Incubating Eggs Travel?

    My mother is planning to bring some of my eggs to the daycare she works at, so that the children can watch the chicks hatch. The problem is...she knows nothing about chickens while I'm the one who has incubated twice already. So we started the eggs at our house and they are on day 5 now of...
  8. ChickenGirl555

    Cockerel or Pullet?

    Behavior all used to scream pullet, but now my little Partridge Wyandotte Bantam, Pencil, is standing boy-ish and has some red on her comb. Pencil was hatched around March 20th.
  9. ChickenGirl555

    Can I Separate Chicks?

    I have essentially two age groups of chicks in my too-small brooder. One group is fully feathered and ready to be outside, however the other are just now starting to feather out. They’ve been together for a couple weeks, though, and are well integrated together. I have an outdoor coop ready and...
  10. ChickenGirl555

    How Feathered Should They Be Before Moving Outside?

    I'm currently raising my 5th/6th batch of chicks ever, so I'm no stranger to the process of raising/owning chickens, but the difference with this brood is that it's 11 chicks, whereas I've only had a max of 6 chicks at once in any of my other broods.'s causing some difficulties. Our...
  11. ChickenGirl555

    HELP Dizzy, Unwell Chick Found Upside Down

    I checked on my brooder and lifted up their heating plate to look over a chick who has reoccurring Pasty butt, but instead discovered a different chick suffering the same problem she had a week ago. She must’ve been crushed, trampled, or dog-piled by her flockmates and has suffered somehow. It...
  12. ChickenGirl555

    Sleepy, Lethargic Chick? Sick?

    I went to a swap meet this morning and got 7 chicks total from 4 different venders. One sold me two Bantam Partridge Wyandottes, and had paperwork for vaccines ready, so I think he was experienced and reliable...I think. One of the chicks, now named Bean, has been sleeping and sleepy ever since...
  13. ChickenGirl555


    On my way home my mom called me and told me that one of my week old chicks was squished up against the heater by her friends desperately trying to get body heat because of a power outage. It’s still going on as I type this and I’m typing with one hand because my other is holding the chick. She...
  14. ChickenGirl555

    Can Purple Shampoo Remove Yellow From Feathers?

    I show chickens on a very small, amateur scale, but I want to improve and try new breeds to show. Although, I'm worried about yellowing feathers. Because I don't professionally show or plan on professionally showing any time soon, all the chickens I show are in the sun and outside, free ranging...
  15. ChickenGirl555

    Head Shaking and Lethargy? Help?

    I have a White Laced Red Cornish Bantam who’s a little less than a year old, and she’s been perfectly happy and normal until about 2-3 days ago. I started noticing she didn’t leave the coop much when all the others greeted me. She sits in corners or under things in the coop and twitches her head...
  16. ChickenGirl555

    What Bantam Breeds Are These?

    In early June I got these two in a bantam mix, and I asked what they were as chicks but now that they are feathered or their patterns are revealed, I’m wondering if I could get another ‘analysis’? Also, I’m almost certain the bearded one is a boy, but any guesses on the other? Otherwise I’ll...
  17. ChickenGirl555

    What Bantam Breeds Are They?

    I got these mixed, straight run bantam chicks a few days ago. I tried looking up some breeds but not definite on any. Please suggest any breeds or if you are sure of a breed! #1 ^ #2 ^ #3 ^
  18. ChickenGirl555

    Can I Incubate With These Measurements?

    I know that 99.5°F is ideal for hatching, but my incubator is not exact so I have to use about 98.5°F. I have the same problem with my humidity, so it’s only stable at exactly 60% humidity. I’m on day 2 of incubation but I’m concerned if this could lead to complications. If I try to fix the...
  19. ChickenGirl555


    My hen has had unusual behavior lately and I thought she might just be tired or stressed from the weird weather lately, but yesterday we diagnosed her as egg bound but I think it might be too late. She’s been egg bound for about 4 days if we count the early stages, but she had been pushing out...
  20. ChickenGirl555

    Unusual Hen Behavior

    My Easter Egger Jen has been acting weird for the past couple days...She seems distant and sits in the coop while I let the flock out to free range. She seems slow-moving but has no visible problems with her health. She looks perfectly healthy but just isn’t being herself. I don’t know what else...
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