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  • Users: Mcook512
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  1. Mcook512

    6 week old Easter egger gender

    I know the rust color in wing indicates a cockerel. Does it always? Do I still have a chance to keep this baby (we have 6 roosters and can’t handle more) My heart shattered slightly when I noticed this. We decided not to hatch eggs because wanted all pullets, so we purchased sexed chicks for my...
  2. Mcook512

    Brown leghorn x partridge cochin

    We hatched 5 babies on May 12 (my birthday too) and had 1 little brown baby (along with 4 other healthy, blue, black & barred babies) This chick came from a white egg, making the mother a brown leghorn. With the super fuzzy legs, the father has to be my partridge Cochin. From my understanding...
  3. Mcook512

    Dry brittle feathers

    My Wyandotte started to molt this fall, then just stopped. She has been like this since October. I noticed mites, so they were all treated with Elector PSP in November. Her feathers are now very dry and wiry. Will she look like this until she molts again next year?
  4. Mcook512

    Does barred hen always produce sex link chick

    I have a moody broody (black copper marans) and would LOVE to hatch some of my own eggs. That is why I got roosters. Well, I ended up with 6 roosters. 4 silkies, a blue ameraucana and an accidental partridge Cochin. I can not afford more roosters. If I took my barred rock eggs would they be sex...
  5. Mcook512

    Blue Ameraucana pullet or cockerel

    I purchased 2 sexed male blue ameraucana From a hatchery. They are almost 12 weeks old. One is obviously a male. The other looks more female. The suspected female is also non bearded so won’t be bred, but it would be great to at least get eggs. Could I have got lucky and actually received a male...
  6. Mcook512

    Ordered as light Brahma pullet, is that what I have?

    This chick is 5 weeks old. She was ordered as a light Brahma pullet. She is much darker than other LB that I have seen and was darker as a chick. Ordered from my pet chicken (likely came from Meyer?) I like her and will love her as the pet bird I ordered, but just curious if this is really a...
  7. Mcook512

    Mystery chick - what am I?

    I got my broody 4 baby chicks. I bought from TSC. The only chicks they had in stock were Cornish, ISA browns, barred rock & silver laced Wyandotte. They had no chicks the day before, and these chicks had just come in that day, so those are the options. I immediately noticed the BR & SLW were...
  8. Mcook512

    How to introduce baby chicks to broody hen

    I have had a broody speckled Sussex for 3 weeks. We tried to break her, but she broke us and I went and got her babies today. I may have goobered up and showed them to her when I got home. Of course, I had visions of the perfect scenario, where she is so thrilled to have babies, she coos and is...
  9. Mcook512

    What age can I dna sex my silkies

    I just got my day old silkies today. I want to dna sex them because I’m not keeping any males. I would like to do it as soon as possible because it is 1-2 week turnaround and I don’t want to get TOO attached before I have to give them away. At what age can I do the blood sample for the dna...
  10. Mcook512

    Introducing new chicks to week old chicks

    I am picking up an order of 12 baby chicks next week. I had planned on adding a few extras when I picked them up from the hatchery, but with the crazy chick craze going on, I was afraid there wouldn’t be any extras. Plus, I decided on some others I REALLY wanted. They won’t be able to be picked...
  11. Mcook512

    What color Ameraucana rooster should I get?

    I have 3 splash Ameraucana ordered. I want to order an Ameraucana rooster. I have been looking at the Blue, Black & Splash. My fave is the Splash. The color is so pretty, but would only get Splash colored offspring. I would also like to use the Ameraucana rooster to breed the black copper Marans...
  12. Mcook512

    Broody at 8 months old

    My 8 month old pullet has gone broody! She started out sitting on a nest for 4-5 hours a day, and now it is ALL day and night. I don’t have a rooster, but do have a friend with fertilized eggs. I’m also getting baby chicks in 3 weeks. Should I let her continue to sit and get a couple eggs for...
  13. Mcook512

    7 month old EE

    I have a 7 month old Easter Egger. I’m 99.9% sure she is a pullet. Her hatch mates began laying at 5 months, but this one hasn’t laid an egg yet. I realize with the shorter days, she may not lay until spring. I had a picture of her on Facebook and someone said she looked like a rooster? I...
  14. Mcook512

    All flock of layer feed?

    I have a set of 29 week olds and a set of 19 week olds. Last month, I switched from starter/grower to all flock. It’s time to buy more feed. Do I stick with all flock? Or are the babies (and 1 older EE freeloader) still too young for layer feed? I do keep a separate bowl of oyster shell in the...
  15. Mcook512

    Soft shelled egg

    My almost 20 week old ISA Brown who has been laying for 2 1/2 weeks just laid a soft shelled egg. She has been laying about 6 eggs per week. She consistently lays around 7-730 am. This morning she was in the box, but no egg. I didn’t think anything if it with her being a new layer and she has...
  16. Mcook512

    New layer walking with wings slightly out

    My new layer (1 week now) has been walking around with her wings slightly out. Like when she squats and spreads her wings. It’s warm, but certainly not hot (Highs in the 80s) They aren’t panting. My other big girls haven’t started to lay yet, they are all 19 weeks, but I have some who may be...
  17. Mcook512

    Salmon Faverolle

    my hatchery (cackle) salmon Faverolles have a dark beard. I understand that is common in hatchery quality birds. I’m not breeding (no rooster) so no big worries that they are not show quality. Will the beard lighten as they age? Or will they always have a dark beard? I would love to see some...
  18. Mcook512

    Our first egg!!

    I am just so eggcited to finally announce my Goldie Hen has layed our first golden egg! Not everyone can share in my excitement, but I know you all will. Goldie is an ISA Brown 17 weeks 5 days. She has been squatting for a week and decided the dog house was the place to lay. I slept in until...
  19. Mcook512

    Black Australorp or Asian Black?

    I bought a couple Asian Black pullets the end of April, and have recently been looking at Australorps. My Betty looks so much like an Australorp now, but when she was a chick, she was mostly black with very little white. I realize Asians aren’t a ‘breed’ and there is no standard, but could I...
  20. Mcook512

    How bad is oyster shell for baby chicks?

    I know baby chicks aren’t supposed to have oyster shell, but how do I keep them out of it? I didn’t think they would eat it until they were close to laying age, but my 4 week olds keep eating it. Not a lot, but a little here and there. Is it ok? Will it hurt them? I want to keep it out for my...
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