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    Chocolate Olive Eggers

    Hello! Does anyone breed chocolate olive Eggers? I’m having such a hard time finding anything. I recently hatched out a cute little chocolate olive egger pullet (they’re sex linked because dad is chocolate) but I’d love to get a chocolate olive egger roo... without going through a million steps...
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    E Locus of Isabella Brahmas??

    Hi! I’m curious if anyone knows what “E”Isabella Brahmas would be on the E Locus (E/E, e+/e+, etc.). Thanks!
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    Mahogany gold duckwing over lavender?

    Hi! I’m wondering if anyone knows what would happen if I put a mahogany gold duckwing (e+/e+, s+/s+, M/M) roo over a lavender hen, who I’m assuming would be E/E extended black diluted by lavender. My guess: they would all end up black (bc E/E is dominate). Split to lavender. Would that also...
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    Silver Pencilled

    Hello! I am interested in learning about the genetics that create silver pencilled/partridge coloring. After hours of trying to research it online, I figured I would consult the experts on here!
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    Chocolate roo over Jubilee hen?

    Hi all! I was wondering the genetic results from crossing a chocolate roo to a Jubilee hen. I just wanted to see if my assumptions are correct as far as possible offspring. Jubilee is a variant of the mottle gene, which is recessive. Thus no mottling would be passed to the offspring, but they...
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    Sinus canker... or tumors?

    Hi. I have a young blue copper marans chick that is showing some weird growths. I thought initially maybe it was sinus canker, but I’m noticing other “growths” on her. 🙁 anyone have any ideas?
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    Baby Chicks sick, swollen, teary eyes

    Hi everyone. My baby chicks (-about 3 weeks of age) seem to have some respiratory issue. I’ve been battling this in my main flock, I’m worried that I didn’t wash my hands after handling my main flock and I brought it to my chicks. 😔 Does anyone know what this is? I have given my main flock two...
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    Polish chick with mouth lesion?

    Please help! My chicks are sick, and I noticed today that my polish chick (roughly 8-10 weeks old) has developed some sort of mouth lesion. I tried to get the best pictures I could. Anybody, what is this? How to cure? They’re currently on doxycycline for respiratory issues, that’s what the...
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    White Marans? Wanting to cross with blue copper, what will I get?

    Hi all! I have a sweet little white marans hen. Her parents were black marans, and the lady sold her to me because she didn’t want white marans... I however, am loving her! I have a blue copper roo and I’m curious to know how those genetics will work out? Or just the recessive white in general...
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    Anemia? Can I Use Iron to Treat Anemia from a mite issue?

    Hello! We had a severe mite infection in our coop, which have been treated and taken care of with some poultry dust and pyrethrum. However, the mites hit our young ones HARD. We have lost three so far, and several others are struggling. They’ve been getting antibiotics (they had a respiratory...
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    Pendulous Crop?

    Am I dealing with pendulous crop? 😞 My one year old ameracauna hen had been doing some weird things with her neck, but the whole flock had a cold, so I treated everyone with antibiotics, but after a few days I noticed everyone else got better but she was still doing the weird thing with her...
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    Young rescue, shivering, gunky eye, slightly twisting neck?

    We had a random baby chick appear in our coop (I think she came from one of the neighbors who have some game hens and sebrights that roam the woods). We took her home and I’ve noticed she is shivering (she is fully feathered, probably 6-8 weeks old) and has some gunky, watery eye. Her neck also...
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    2 Month old pullets has mass on eye?

    I was looking at my babies today and noticed one of my Whiting True Blues had a weird eye. On closer inspection, it seems to be a mass under the skin, right below the eye. Any ideas/cures/suggestions? Is it possible to lance it to get the mass out, as I’ve done with my dog? (Former vet tech)...
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    Gunky Eyes and Sneezing???

    Hey everyone. I have some hens that I think have a respiratory disease. They’ve been sneezing lately but I can never tell who it is. Today I found one of my hens basically wandering blind because her eyes are swollen and gunky! I visited my local stores but nobody has any water soluble/ powder...
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    Duck with limp leg

    Found my 4 month old duck this morning in the coop just laying there. I thought that was weird as everyone else was up and walking around, ready to be let out for the day. We have a mixed coop with ducks and chickens. I went over and the poor thing seems to be lame in it’s left leg. Most...
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    My year and a half old Cinnamon Queen has this mass on her cloaca... is it a tumor? Is there anything I can do? (Sorry for the gross pics but I’m at a loss)
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    Help! Rooster lethargic, won’t eat or drink

    I found my rooster laying on his side, lethargic and won’t eat or drink. I tried dipping his beak in water and he wouldn’t drink it. Help!
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    What kind of duck??

    I purchased 4 ducklings from TSC about 7-8 weeks ago. I got two that they had told me were pekins. However, now that they are both older, they should both be completely feathered but one is not the same. I’ll post the pictures below. Help!
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    Introducing ducklings to a broody momma?

    I have a whole dilemma I have already spelled out on another post, but essentially my duck (8-9 months old) stole a bunch of hen eggs and has brooded over them and now we have babies. I don’t have any broody hens, so I’m having to take the babies away from her. Is it possible to put the week-ish...
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    Faverolle or Sultan?

    Got this cutie from the bantam bin at Tractor supply. Initially I had decided on her being a Sultan but now as she’s getting older she’s getting color in her wings and I’m just not convinced anymore. I’m thinking she’s a faverolle. Anybody have any ideas?
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