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  1. Suburban Sprouts


    I've kept chickens for 7 years and never run into cocci... Today when I was collecting eggs I noticed some chicken poop on the ground that had these blood-clot looking lumps in it. I looked around and only saw this one instance of it. Can anyone tell me if this is for sure cocci or if it could...
  2. Suburban Sprouts

    4 week Salmon Faverolle & Leghorn - Roos?

    After a bunch of predator attacks this year, I had to buy chicks from a hatchery for the first time in years (I usually like to let my broody hens hatch out fertile eggs). Back when I first got into chickens, I ordered from this hatchery and ordered sexed female chicks and all of them were...
  3. Suburban Sprouts

    What does this picture mean??

    I just candled my eggs (Day 10) and most of the eggs look like this: When I have candled incubated eggs in the past I could clearly see veins and whatnot... Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Suburban Sprouts

    Should a Roo be obvious by 19 weeks old?

    I have a 19 week old EE that I keep going back and forth on the gender... I have raised EE's other times and usually could tell within a couple months. Is this just my first super tricky one, or do you think if it's not obvious at this point, it's probably a girl? Just some general thoughts...
  5. Suburban Sprouts

    Someone please explain Guineas to me?

    I have a flock of 12 chickens in suburban St. Louis. I have a decent sized area for them (approximately 15' x 25'). A friend who works at the farm ranch for the local Humane Society took in a lone Guinea chick and contacted me about it. I'm familiar with them, I know that they are great for...
  6. Suburban Sprouts

    10 Week Old EE Mystery (as usual) - Boy or Girl?

    I have three 10 week old EE chicks (if you can really still call them chicks ). Out of the three, I'm very confident that two of them are girls, but this third one is throwing me for a loop. This is my third batch of EE babies and every other time I was able to tell the boys from the girls by...
  7. Suburban Sprouts

    How to get dark/vibrant blue eggs?

    I have had EEs for a while and all the blue eggs I get are very pale. I see lots of pictures on the forums from people who get beautiful dark blue or turquoise eggs... Can anyone tell me if it's just the luck of the draw or if pure-bred blue egg layers lay darker blue eggs? I would really...
  8. Suburban Sprouts

    Who wants to play "guess the gender?"

    I have 5 chicks - approximately 4 weeks old. I'm pretty sure I know the gender of several of them, but there are a couple mysteries. Chick #1 - Black Copper Marans, I'm confident it's a girl: Chick #2 - Easter Egger, Maybe a boy? Chick #3 - Easter Egger, My guess = girl...
  9. Suburban Sprouts

    1 injured hen + 1 protective broody + new chicks + existing flock...!?

    I've had my flock of chickens for a little over two years. I have integrated new chicks into my flock before (it wasn't fun, but ultimately everything worked out) but this is my first time with having a broody hen in the mix (plus an inujured hen, but I'll get to that in a minute...)...
  10. Suburban Sprouts

    Sexing EE's = The ultimate frustration!

    My newest batch of EE chicks are only 4 weeks old, so I won't even bother posting pictures... I just wanted to start a thread where we could all wail and moan about how hard it is to wait and wait and wait, week after week, for our EE's to develop into something sex-able!
  11. Suburban Sprouts

    Several Questions for a first-time Broody Hatcher!

    1. One egg pipped yesterday and the chick hatched overnight. None of the other eggs show any obvious signs of pipping... How long should I wait before giving up? 2. One egg had been pushed out of the nest sometime during the day yesterday and it was cold to the touch, no signs of pipping and...
  12. Suburban Sprouts

    Do small eggs create hens that also lay small eggs?

    I have a 2 year old flock of 9 hens and am adding some new chicks to my flock by letting my broody Silkie hatch out some fertile eggs that I purchased. The thing is, the eggs that arrived (EE, Marans, Welsummer) are quite a bit smaller than the eggs the rest of my flock lays... Could it be that...
  13. Suburban Sprouts

    My flock has diarrhea...!

    I was working in the garden this weekend and had all the chickens out, so I was around them consistently all day. I noticed that several of the chickens had really REALLY loose, wet stool. It litterally sounded like a splash when they did it ... As it was multiple of my birds, I'm concerned...
  14. Suburban Sprouts

    Too much food wastage!!

    I have a typical 5-gallon galvanized feeder... For the longest time, I would fill it up and the chickens would eat out of it normally and it would last a good week to two weeks. Starting a few months ago, the chickens starting throwing all the feed around everywhere! I fill it up and it's down...
  15. Suburban Sprouts

    The Mystery of the Mysterious Egg Innards

    The other morning I went out to let the chickens out of their coop and when I entered the chicken yard I saw the insides of an egg - white and yolk - sitting on the ground. There was no shell. When I let the girls out, it took them a few minutes to find it and proceeded to eat it right up...
  16. Suburban Sprouts

    5 min. Survey for $2 Coupon

    Here is a link to a survey for chicken owners... Once you get to the end it gives you $2 off any Manna Pro product. I know not everyone uses Manna Pro, but I thought I'd pass it on in case anyone else wanted to get the coupon...
  17. Suburban Sprouts

    Do hens really STOP laying altogether?

    I have a backyard flock of 11 hens right now and I'll be adding another 5-6 this spring. Right now I get more than enough eggs. What I'm curious about is whether hens actually stop laying completely after a couple years... I know people have said that production dramatically tapers off, but...
  18. Suburban Sprouts

    Blood spots in egg yolk??

    I wasn't sure if this topic should go here or in "diseases" but since I doubt this is a serious illness, I chose the EGGLAYING category! Basically, I have a hen who has off and on had small red spots on her yolk... I've seen this in a couple of my other hens as well but not consistently at all...
  19. Suburban Sprouts

    30 Week EE

    One of my EE ladies still hasn't laid an egg... She's 30 weeks old and isn't even showing "symptoms" of beginning to lay. My main question is, now that winter is decsending on us here in St. Louis, will she not lay at all until next spring?
  20. Suburban Sprouts

    Chicken Breeds & Eggs

    I'm curious about two things: 1. What are some chicken breeds that are good about laying eggs even in the winter? I have heard that Speckled Sussex are among those to lay well into cold weather. 2. What are some breeds that tend to start laying earlier? I have heard the leghorns and red...
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