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  1. BearSwampChick

    Speckled sussex injured by hawk?

    I found my SS this morning with a 1/2-inch deep and 1 1/2-inch wide gash on the back of her neck. It was open and moist and looked like the other hens had been pecking the feathers out. I was so busy yesterday and didn't go outside to check when I heard a commotion and later when I saw all the...
  2. BearSwampChick

    This Old House article featuring chickens

    In the October issue of This Old House magazine there's a gardening article on a lady in Seattle who keeps chickens in her backyard. She has 3 buff orps and a really nifty coop. Maybe she's a member of BYC? Jennifer Carlson, are you out there? I wanted to link to the article, but they don't...
  3. BearSwampChick

    Born on Labor Day

    On September 1, 1975, my oldest son, Jaye. Here he is with his favorite mom-made chocolate fudge cake yesterday.
  4. BearSwampChick

    City Chickens article in Columbus Dispatch today

    Here's a small, but nice article about city chickens.,%20101&msg=8&regtype=21&page=<q>BP=OK<a>GZ=T<a>AW=1219669253016 When you get...
  5. BearSwampChick

    Buff Orp or Buff Rock?

    This is pullet was supposed to be a BO, but with the yellow legs, probably not?
  6. BearSwampChick

    I think I've been duped! SLW experts needed!

    I've been thinking all along that my cockeral is a SLW, but after looking at the pics of them and the Silver-Penciled Wyandottes, I think that's what I have. Or is it just too early to tell? He's 18 weeks. Feathersite's pic of SLW roo: Feathersite's pic of SPW roo: Picture of my roo:
  7. BearSwampChick

    Need advice about rehoming

    Never mind
  8. BearSwampChick

    Oh, wee mousie......GULP!

    Little Sparrow, one of my speckled sussex pullets, found a recently killed mouse, courtesy of Tobey the cat. Pecked and investigated for a minute and then down the hatch it went, fur, tail and all! Does their crop really grind up all that stuff? ETA: Just realized I posted in the wrong...
  9. BearSwampChick

    Incubator on Columbus, OH Craigslist

    Just found this on Craigslist, if anyone is interested: Seems a little pricey, but they'll probably deal.
  10. BearSwampChick

    Say Happy Birthday to nccountrygirl!

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Laura, Happy Birthday to you!
  11. BearSwampChick

    Chickens at the state fair article

    This article appeared in the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) this morning about kids' 4-H chicken projects at the Ohio State Fair We're going on Friday. It's a wonderful state fair...
  12. BearSwampChick

    My new favorite hot weather drink

    I am totally in love with iced coffee with lots of crushed ice and milk! I've been saving part of my coffee in the morning and having it iced later in the day and chomping on the ice. It is so yummy. Almost like a coffee milk shake. It keeps me from snacking on other bad stuff! LOL What's your...
  13. BearSwampChick

    Detecting slight ammonia odor

    So, I'm using the DLM in my coop. I rake every day and add new litter about once a month. The litter isn't wet or even damp. There is a lot of ventilation. I've been keeping both windows open and they're perpendicular to each other. I run a fan on days that temps are above 80. The past couple of...
  14. BearSwampChick

    Gluten-free Ginger Snaps

    I just found the most delicious gluten-free ginger snaps at Trader Joe's! There's also no milk or dairy in the ingredients. AND only 140 calories for 5 cookies. They are crisp but light and have a very snappy ginger taste. Just thought I would share!
  15. BearSwampChick

    Can you write your life story in six words?

    Ernest Hemingway did it, when he was challenged, with this---"For sale: baby shoes, never worn." This website asked their readers to submit their life stories: and it led to a book, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. Here's mine...
  16. BearSwampChick

    There's a New Kid in Town! (pic heavy)

    And he's our newest grandson, Matthew Tyler, born at 10:01 a.m. today! He's a big boy at 9 lbs., 12 oz. and 22 inches long. He's very healthy and we're very happy! He has very large feet and hands just like his daddy, our DS. Here he is with his Grammy (me!) And with his proud Daddy
  17. BearSwampChick

    The perfect free-ranging yard *pic heavy*

    Our backyard is completely fenced with lots of trees and underbrush and dead leaves for the chickies to scratch in. They will be 10 weeks on Saturday. Can you find the chickies? The outside of the coop, back corner of the barn Henrietta and Henry, my SLWs. They can't wait for those...
  18. BearSwampChick

    Recycling plastic bags? Not what you think happens!

    If you recycle plastic grocery bags at your local store or recycling center, as I do, you should take a look at this website. It's a real eye-opener. I know I will be much more diligent about taking in the cloth bags that I've purchased and that sometimes sit in my car, because I can be...
  19. BearSwampChick

    Did your family invent words?

    We think ours did. If you've ever heard of these, let me know. Briggity: a cross between too big for your britches and uppity. Grousty: a cross between grimy and crusty, as in "Look at those grousty knees! Get me the Brillo pad!" Lurl: like when something tastes soooo good you kind of...
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