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  1. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    They are all so beautiful. Hotaru is beyond pretty and so photogenic haha. I just showed my husband his picture and said I need a bird like this one.
  2. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    My silkies are about 8 weeks old now and I definitely didn't realize how hard it be to wait to figure out if I have boys or girls 😂 When I got my silkies I also got 4 EE's (which I lucked out and all appear to be girls) and two productions red hens so as of now, I have all pullet. I'm telling my...
  3. carrie2017

    So fast

    I was just telling my husband today ours arent even 7 weeks and the difference from when we got them at a few days old till now is insane. Within 6 weeks they are huge and look like completely different birds.
  4. carrie2017

    Mohawk on an Olive Egger?

    I have one that is alittle over 6 weeks that has one too and I love it. She is one of my favorite chicks
  5. carrie2017

    Easter eggers genders?

    Thank y'all for responding I'm hopeful that I have all pullets now
  6. carrie2017

    Easter eggers genders?

    I also have a all black Easter egger the same age but with hardly any comb at all and no signs of wattles I am just assuming this little is a pullet so far
  7. carrie2017

    Easter eggers genders?

    I figured 2 is a pullet since I see. No wattles and not much of a comb yet. But 2 is my I'm really trying to love you but your being a butthead bird 🤣 definitely becoming the biggest and the bossiest at this point
  8. carrie2017

    Easter eggers genders?

    Okay so here are three of my Easter eggers they are alittle over 6 weeks now looking for guesses on if I have pullets or cockerels. I marked each one with numbers. Number 2 is my wild bird so pictures aren't the greatest I will attempt for more later if needed, seems to be alittle calmer in...
  9. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Your silkies are beautiful birds. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I think silkies have to just be the cutest chickens
  10. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thanks for the info. I'm slowly learning all about these cuties. They are full of personality already and I have no roosters yet so even if "big hairdo" is a cockerel it will be staying. I have 5 they all look the same except the one with the bigger crest. I look to see if I can see any waddles...
  11. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thank you. First time having silkies and I was like this is the only one with this huge crest and my favorite I'm just positive that means it will be a cockerel. At least I don't have to worry about that being a early indication.
  12. carrie2017

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So quick question does how much "hairdo" they have going on indicate gender of the bird because this one is in his/her own league compared to the others 🤣
  13. carrie2017

    Can someone help with breed and gender?

    I will attempt to get him to send me a better picture. If I can I'll update the post
  14. carrie2017

    Can someone help with breed and gender?

    In my search of some more chicks to add to my flock a man said he has this chick to rehome according to him it's a lavender breed and a pullet? I have no other pictures except this one it's the only one he texted to me l. Trying to see if someone can give me the basic info on this chick such as...
  15. carrie2017

    What breed are these 2 two month old chickens of mine?

    The first bird is beautiful is that the silver pencilled rock?
  16. carrie2017

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Thank you for your response. Thats what I'm worried about I'll give it a while longer to be sure tho before I rehome.
  17. carrie2017


    Awe Moonpie is adorable. I have 5 white silkies who are 6 weeks old who look just like yours they are my little cotton balls. I would love to have a tiny fluffy one like Moonpie too though, just so cute
  18. carrie2017

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Since this thread is about Easter eggers thought I see what everyone's thoughts are on this chick I have it's the only one I'm worried about at the moment about 5 weeks old. comb is just growing faster and alittle redder then the others so far. I know still alittle young so hopefully I'm just...
  19. carrie2017

    Trying to figure out what kind of chicks I have

    Ugh I was crossing my fingers that I'm just overthinking it haha
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