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  1. taykenn7

    Is anyone else having issues with the USPS and dead chicks?

    I know there is nothing she can do other than show some compassion that these animals are suffering due to human error rather than being annoyed that her day would start off badly. Working in the veterinary industry, I know that bad news has to be given, but if done correctly and with some true...
  2. taykenn7

    Is anyone else having issues with the USPS and dead chicks?

    Currently in a tiff with USPS over this same issue. I ordered my babies from MPC and they were shipped via USPS priority mail express 1 day shipping with "guaranteed" delivery by today at 3 pm. My chicks were last scanned yesterday in Ohio and have not been heard from since. When I went up to...
  3. taykenn7

    Chicken laws in Mebane N.C???

    I know this post is old but I am moving to Mebane (outside city limits) and have been trying to make sure I could have chickens. I figured this information could be useful for others searching for chicken info in the area. I spoke with a Mebane city official who said since I was out of city...
  4. taykenn7

    Devastated :(

    UPDATE: One of my Orpingtons showed up in the coop today!!! I am SO glad I left the coop open and the light on! It's amazing how much comfort I get from knowing that even just one more survived. Plus now my lonely little Australorp has a companion. He spent last night nestled on my neck, EVERY...
  5. taykenn7

    Devastated :(

    I spoke with my neighbor and they were more than wonderful about the whole situation. They are paying for my next batch of babies as well as halving the cost of bulding an enclosure over their coop. We have also decided to call and let our neighbors know when we will be letting them out to range...
  6. taykenn7

    Devastated :(

    Until today I had 14 chicks. 8 ameraucanas that were my pride and joy, 3 australorps and 3 buff orpingtons. While my chicks were enjoyng this hot day in their chicken tractor my neighbors dog came and plowed thier chicken tractor over and tore through the chicken wire. She killed 11 and I found...
  7. taykenn7

    Scaredy Chickens!

    I am a new (and thoroughly addicted) chicken owner. I have 8 ameraucana chicks that I have raised from day olds. They are now 5 weeks old but instead of getting more comfortable around me they seem more flighty than ever! It is becoming near impossible to catch them and put them into their...
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