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  1. EggyErin

    Parrot/cross beak

    This chick is going on four months. She didn't start out this way but it developed relatively quickly and gotten worse as she's grown. She has kept up with her fellow newbies but is now starting to trail them in terms of weight and size. She must be able to eat but I'm not sure how much and I...
  2. EggyErin

    Airlite cardboard bedding

    I've always used shavings. I'm worried that the pieces are too large - fine for horses but maybe not so much for chickens. But yes, I have it so may as well use it. Way too expensive to use in the horse stalls but could be okay for coop. It has to be fluffed so that might pre-empt the...
  3. EggyErin

    What just eats head / neck?

    Raccoons usually remove the head completely (and maybe some neck, too?) so may be a hawk. They usually hold the head in one talon while eating. (Yes, I've seen this. Awful but informative.)
  4. EggyErin

    Predator Identification

    The hole looks kind of small for a raccoon. Maybe a weasel? They tend to rip and shred birds.
  5. EggyErin

    To lay liner or to put wood chip straight onto the floor

    When you say outside, do you mean your coop floor is dirt? Either you need a way to drain water from the coop and run or you'll not be able to hose down the coop anyway. You might could use harder chips in the run but I would definitely use soft in the coop. More absorbent.
  6. EggyErin

    Airlite cardboard bedding

    Has anybody used this? I got a bag of it to try but didn't really know if it made sense in the coop. The threads I've searched haven't given me any answers.
  7. EggyErin

    How did this happen?

    No problem Atalantis - your laughs made ME laugh. All my girls are full-sized; that's why I was a little concerned. I kind of want to crack the egg and kind of not. I think I like the term "fairy egg" best, but really, bloop describes it better. Thanks all!
  8. EggyErin

    How did this happen?

    This is the first time I've ever had one of these. New-laying hens, about two months now. Surface is rough. Is this indicative of a problem or just a bloop? That's a quarter for reference.
  9. EggyErin

    2 watering questions

    You can get it from Amazon but it will ship from Revival Animal Health, which is where I get it from. You don't need the activating crystals.
  10. EggyErin

    getting ahead of FLIES

    I use fly predator wasps around my barn and in my pasture and around the manure pile. I also put some in the compost pile near the house/coop. They work wonders. If you put them in the chicken yard, though, the chickens will just eat them.
  11. EggyErin

    Predators in the South

    After free-ranging for years, I finally had enough of the predators. A bobcat killed off my entire flock, over several months, except one. I now have a large chicken yard that I'm putting the final touches on - aprons and electric wire. Mine isn't covered, too big and too difficult because of...
  12. EggyErin

    2 watering questions

    You could also add a little Oxine AH to the water each time you refill. Does wonders for keeping buckets/troughs/pipes cleaner longer.
  13. EggyErin

    Should I be concerened about this...?

    That's just a different kind of chicken talk but nothing unusual. To me, it's almost like they're talking to themselves when they make that sound. She looks like she's just checking things out.
  14. EggyErin

    Best white egg layer for backyard flock?

    I have an Austrawhite, an Exchequer and a brown Leghorn. The two Leghorns are flighty little nutbags. My Austrawhite is quite vocal but hardy as can be (she survived a bobcat attack), curious, and lays an egg just about every day even during the winter. She's only two though. She squats for...
  15. EggyErin

    Treating resp inf, wonder what to do next

    Sounds more like IB based on symptoms you describe. She has no mucus discharge and she's drinking about as usual. What do I do for IB?? Different antibiotic?
  16. EggyErin

    Location for coop and run

    To me, one of the joys of chickens is to watch them and listen to them. Sometimes it's nice whiling away an hour or so near them. It's soothing unless everyone's egg-singing at the same time. I also like having all the above-mentioned amenities close at hand.
  17. EggyErin

    Treating resp inf, wonder what to do next

    May as well try that. I remember being under a tent with a vaporizer as a child. I quite liked it! Thanks for the suggestion.
  18. EggyErin

    Treating resp inf, wonder what to do next

    I told them everything I've put in her. Thanks!
  19. EggyErin

    Treating resp inf, wonder what to do next

    WOW!! What great service, ChickenCanoe! I called the lab in Gainesville and talked to them, answered lots of questions that they will give to the vet, who will call me maybe today, probably Monday. The person I talked to said he hoped she didn't pass BUT IF SHE DOES, here's my cell phone...
  20. EggyErin

    Treating resp inf, wonder what to do next

    I have my hen in sick bay in the house. The first night I really assumed she would be dead in the morning - open-mouthed gasping, but she was much better next day. She's had six of ten Tylan shots, Vet Rx in her water, Nutri-Drench down her throat. I wondered if her crop was involved and that...
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