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  1. KHoward

    Swollen crop

    Quick update: For several days I tried the stool softener and warm water followed by a massage. It seemed to break up some of the mass in her crop, and the mass was always smaller in the morning, but the mass never really went away. Unfortunately, the chicken didn't make it.
  2. KHoward

    Swollen crop

    Thanks for the suggestion - I'll give that a try!
  3. KHoward

    Swollen crop

    Update: I started with olive oil and switched to mineral oil. Same result. Larger at night, smaller in the morning but definitely still swollen and firm. I have been massaging all around the crop, and then finish by massaging the contents upward. Today I will try Dulcolax.
  4. KHoward

    Swollen crop

    Hi, I have a hen who has had a very swollen crop for about 5 days now. About 3 days ago, I started massaging the crop, and two days ago I started administering a tablespoon of olive oil at morning and night when I massage it. It feels like potters clay and I massage it for about a minute. At...
  5. KHoward

    Wanted: Hens in Massachusetts area

    Hi, I am able to take in up to 10 standard sized hens and maybe 1 or 2 roosters if they are young. I have an acre of fenced in land and a secure coop/run as well. Thanks!
  6. KHoward

    Need basic advice on creating sex-links

    Hi all, When creating sex-links, is the basic recipe any non-barred male over any barred female? Or is there more too it? Thanks!
  7. KHoward

    Splash Ameraucana or Easter Egger?

    Is this guy a Splash Ameraucana or an Easter Egger?
  8. KHoward

    Which is better?

    I have had both and the Anconas are excellent layers, and better than than the Andalusian, in my experience. The Anconas were more flighty than the Andalusians, but not bad.
  9. KHoward

    What chicken breed do I have? (All black)

    From the Hoovers site: [...[Mystic Onyx] resemble a Svart Hona or Ayam Cemani in color but typically feature orange-red flares in their plumage..]
  10. KHoward

    So I got myself into a problem 😆

    TSC buys all of their chicks from Hoovers. 11m chicks per year, so they pay pennies for their chicks.
  11. KHoward

    Chick hatched with leg splayed back

    One leg was never quite right, but it ended up being a rooster so he had to go anyway.
  12. KHoward

    Meyer Hatchery - Sapphire Jewel

    Can you post an update?
  13. KHoward

    Meyer Hatchery - Sapphire Jewel

    I ordered the "Colored Egg Layers" mix two times and got a bunch of the Sapphire Jewels in both orders. At hatch, they are yellow with a black spot on their head and a few black spots on their body. They all look like white Ameraucanas. So maybe the AustraxAmer like someone suggested.
  14. KHoward

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    What about a Splash Marans over a Splash Ameraucana. 1) Will 100% of the offspring be splash? I'd like to work on a splash Olive Egger.
  15. KHoward

    Lavender Ameraucana Cross with Ermine or Splash

    To build off of this discussion, what would the results be for Splash x Ermine?
  16. KHoward

    Black Copper Maran Hen or Rooster?

    I realize this is an old post, but some other visual clues is that these are part rumpless Araucana which explains the pea comb and no tail feathers - which means you have easter eggers. Also, Marans have pink legs.
  17. KHoward

    Cotton Patch Geese Hatching Eggs

    Hi, I am in Mass. and am looking for a local breeder. Do you still have the info?
  18. KHoward

    Chicken with diarrhea

    Hi, She is the same. Otherwise perfectly healthy and normal.
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