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  1. purosaviparos

    Hatching meat birds from fertile eggs

    OK, thanks for the links, but on those sites i don't see anyone offering broilers or cornish eggs, the chickens that are used in rapid meat production, that is what i am looking for. I will keep looking. :)
  2. purosaviparos

    Hatching meat birds from fertile eggs

    Are there any places that sell fertile eggs for meat bird breeds? cornish? or broiler? or any of the lines that are used for commercial meat bird production? I have seen that they sell chicks, but i am interesed in buying just the eggs.
  3. purosaviparos

    Later stage incubation die out / dry out not sure?

    My chicken hatch rates are outstanding always above 90%, but turkeys and ducks do fine until the last 2 weeks and then some of them just die. Good growth and then no movement at all inside
  4. purosaviparos

    Co2 in incubating

    From Carbon Dioxide: To me, the most interesting change with Single Stage Incubation is that carbon dioxide levels are considered very important – and the higher the better at certain points! The air you are...
  5. purosaviparos

    Chicks turn or don’t turn into hatch position.

    Chicks turn or don’t turn into hatch position. I seem to get a lot of chicks that try to hatch out upside down. Most of them make a piercing in the shell and if I get to them in time, I help them out and things usually turn out well. Chicks grow upside down right? And then turn “head up” for...
  6. purosaviparos

    Co2 in incubating

    Do commercial incubators use injected C02 in their process'? What levels do they run? I imagine that this increases growth / hatch rates, does anybody know about this?
  7. purosaviparos

    Later stage incubation die out / dry out not sure?

    Later stage incubation die out / dry out not sure? I am running a 400 capacity large cabinet style fully automatic incubator and have been doing so for a couple of years now. I started with 100% chicken eggs and little by little learned their quirks and am now up to having a real good deal of...
  8. purosaviparos


    digo "sid" jaja
  9. purosaviparos


    A pues que chido, nunca he pedido nada del otro lado, correcion, si he pedido unas cuantas cosas pero nunca llegaron, como que en la frontera se pierden mucho las cosas, pero me parece mas seguro eso de mandarlas por avion, soy gringo pero donde vivo aca no estamos cerca de un aeropuerto, he...
  10. purosaviparos


    Eso hare amigo, la verdad tengo mucho tiempo queriendo ir para alla. (INDIAN BLUE, IDIAN BLUE BLACK SHOULDERS, WHITE, INDIAN BLUE PIED, CAMEOS, EMERALD SPALDINGS, BRONCE, PURPLE, OPAL, OPAL WHITE EYE.. ) son todos estos razas de pavo real? de casualidad no vendes huevos fertiles? asi de pavo o...
  11. purosaviparos

    How important is air circulation in a cabinet style incubator?

    I have one large cabinet style 360 egg capacity incubator as well as other styrofoams (hova-bator, little giant, and 1 other that is so old its unrecognizable anymore) and i'm wondering how important is the air circulation to my (3 ft. tall, 2.5 ft. deep, 2ft. wide) cabinet style incubator. I...
  12. purosaviparos


    Sounds interesting, i hear que esa parte del pais es muy buena para criar aves, I have never been down there pero he escuchado muchas cosas acerca de algunos lugares por ahi, en especifico Tepatitlán de Morelos dicen que ahi hay muchas granjas / criaderos de todos tipos de aves. I am going to...
  13. purosaviparos

    Thinking about getting some pheasants, quick questions

    Wow sounds like they lay a lot of eggs then, a rough estimate? If we are talking about the 4 months that would be around 60, seems lika a lot, probably less right? Have you guys ever had the golden pheasants, are their characteristics / egg laying the same?
  14. purosaviparos

    Thinking about getting some pheasants, quick questions

    I would like to breed some ringneck and golden pheasante but i have a few questions: Do they only lay eggs once a year? And when they lay, how many eggs do they usually have? Are there any other important things that i should know about Pheasants? I would like to get some but I want to...
  15. purosaviparos

    Chcicken Indreeding

    Also good information, thank you
  16. purosaviparos

    Chcicken Indreeding

    Does this apply to all birds; TUrkeys, water and other fowls?
  17. purosaviparos

    Chcicken Indreeding

    Good stuff, thanks!
  18. purosaviparos

    Comment by 'purosaviparos' in item 'Yokohama'

    Anyone have these birds? HAtching eggs? Pics? Or reliable egg source?
  19. purosaviparos

    How many eggs can a production hen lay daily?

    Sounds good Fred, 330 out of 365 is good and clean, naturally comfortable. And in the US, big time egg production companies have got to be pretty scrutinzed as far as what they are giving to their hens, so your info sounds legit. Who are the biggest layers in the US? I'm currently in Mexico...
  20. purosaviparos

    Chcicken Indreeding

    Obviously it's not a good idea to breed sons and daughters with parents when crossing any animal, as degeneration and other weaknesses can arise. But what is the real deal there. Currently living outside of the US and I don't have the option to buy a batch of chicks online (or local for that...
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