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  1. BBsChicks

    What is it?

    This the second one of these I found in the coop. It feels like jello. It was in the bigger coop where 2 ladies sleep. They don’t lay any more. Louise is 8 and Rosy is 4. Both seem healthy and happy. The 3 girls that lay sleep in the smaller coop. Teaspoon for size
  2. BBsChicks

    Where can you buy Flubenvet in the US?

    I am SO frustrated! It seems if your chicken has gapeworm and live in CA it is a death sentence because it is impossible to buy treatment here. We have no farm vets close by, even though this is a rural area and even if you can find Flubenol or SafeGuard or Ivermicin they will not ship to CA
  3. BBsChicks

    Four new littles

    May I introduce Olive Egger Olivia (Liv), RIR Rosie (Ro), Cochin CoCo, and Ameraucana Mere born July 30. They join Ameraucanas Skitter and Louise, Welsummer Abigail (Abbie), and Cockoo Maran Frankie.
  4. BBsChicks

    9 1/2 y/o RIR is blind.

    This is Lucy on my belly as we were swinging in a hammock. She was a lover and lost the fight with whatever took her down on July 31~RIP
  5. BBsChicks

    9 1/2 y/o RIR is blind.

    My 9 1/2 y/o RIR, Lucy, is blind. Her eyes look fine, she comes when I call her, she eats and drinks if I hold it for her. She's sleeping in a laying box. My loose plan is keeping her comfortable, fed and hydrated.
  6. BBsChicks

    Lucy can't swallow

    Is there a definitive way to check for gape worm? Does food grade diatomaceous earth treat gape worm or do I need to buy Flubenol or Aviverm? They are not shaking their heads or mouth breathing (unless it is hot).
  7. BBsChicks

    Lucy can't swallow

    She ate lots of mush (feed, greek yogurt, mealworms and raw shelled sunflower seeds), then drank lots of the water I added to the dish (it turned white from the yogurt). She wanted NO part of showing me the inside of her mouth. She does seems drooly but that didn't stop her from chowing down...
  8. BBsChicks

    Lucy can't swallow

    My nine year old matriarch, Lucy, seems to be having trouble swallowing. At first I thought she was mourning because her BFF, Ethel, recently died. Lucy is a Rhode Island Red and Ethel was a Buff Orpington. Ethel had been slowing down and simply went to bed one night and didn't get up. Lucy...
  9. BBsChicks

    Sick Cochin

    I have 9 chickens; 2 matriarchs, Lucy and Ethel that are 8, Frankie and Grace & Thelma and Louise are all 3, Skitter, Abbie, and Ellie are 2. They free range and at night Lucy and Ethel sleep in their older and smaller coop and the other 7 sleep in the newer bigger coop. I have 2 'grand' dogs...
  10. BBsChicks

    Sick Cochin

    She had a bump on her chest and I thought it was just her gullet but now it is oozing through her skin and onto her feathers. I have washed it and can't see a lesion but the skin is grey. HELP
  11. BBsChicks

    And then there were nine

    Yep, they're good. No mites, the new girls are as clean as the original residents. Funny thing, they had been sort of grouping themselves, 6 older and 3 younger, then a fighter jet did a fly by twice (we are not on a flight path) and now they are a cluster of 9
  12. BBsChicks

    And then there were nine

    Hello fellow chicken peeps, I have been tending chickens for 7 1/2 years. I started with 6, of those I still have 2; Lucy (Rhode Island Red) and Ethel (Buff). They don't lay anymore but they are happy matriarchs. Two years ago I got 4 babies ~ two Ameraucanas; Thelma and Louise and a Cochin...
  13. BBsChicks

    Broody Hen Thread!

    One of our Ameraucana hens has gone broody and there seems to be no dissuading her. We don't have a rooster. This behavior has been going on for 2 months. We take her off the box, make sure she gets food and water, move her a 1/4 acre away but she get back on the box as soon as we're not...
  14. BBsChicks

    My Ameraucana hen is laying tan eggs instead of blue-green

    I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, a Buff Orpington, a Cuckoo Muran, 2 Ameraucanas (that must be EEs) and a Cochin and I get every shade of tan egg a girl could hope for. I got the Cuckoo and the Ameraucanas hoping for chocolate and blue eggs ... c'est la vie ... an egg is an egg is an egg. I love my...
  15. BBsChicks

    Hen Has Nasty Vent Feathers!

    I just shampooed and blow-dried my Buff Orpington, Ethel. She can usually keep herself clean but this is the third time in 4 years I needed to help her. Her vent looks good so it was a successful spa day for her. She gets raw, organic apple cider vinegar in her water but I don't think they...
  16. BBsChicks

    California - Northern

    Thank you ...
  17. BBsChicks

    California - Northern

    PS ~ congratulations on reaching the #7 most popular thread
  18. BBsChicks

    California - Northern

    Once upon a time I read about a coop tour in Northern CA. I know that this is a huge area but I am curious if anything was ever planned and if so, I would like to participate. I live in Rocklin but I am willing to travel because, like this forum, learning from other chicken people is the best way.
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