My Ameraucana hen is laying tan eggs instead of blue-green

Rancher, they're gorgeous!!! I'm so happy they all hatched out for you!!!! Yeah, I'm the talented friend that can't hatch worth a darn!! lol Woohooo!!! You are definitely going to have blue/gray and some of the black/gold partridgy types. Nice!! Woohoo Captain Crooked Toes-that boy was working overtime!! lol Thanks for posting those pics!
Well they do say the best chickens in life are free. Ok I made that up. Anyhow I think they're the prettiest chicks I've had. Except of course besides the Dels chicks w/ them. I really do appreciate them. You know where I am if you want to hatch some.
You know if it weren't so blasted cold out here today, sunny and clear, but cooooold, I would take some pics of my EE's, because after looking at the chick picks, I can tell who the mommy is of each one-or at least I'm pretty sure anyways. I'll take some over the next couple of days and pm them to you so you can decide for yourself. They really are adorable, I'm in love with that little blue/buff one.
She'll (fingers crossed for you, that it's a girl!) be a looker!
I've read that they can lay all shades and you won't know until it starts to lay. I think the other posters are right about increasing your chances by getting several Ameraucanas. We only have one and I'll be bummed if she is laying browns, but there you go...
This is an old old thread but im gonna go ahead and leave this reply. If the hen does not lay blue eggs it is not an amercuna. It must lay blue eggs must have colored legs. Pea comb, small to preferred no wattle. Must have beard that covers most of face.And i believe red ear lobe. Unless it meets all of these it is not an amercuna at all. It is an ee.
I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, a Buff Orpington, a Cuckoo Muran, 2 Ameraucanas (that must be EEs) and a Cochin and I get every shade of tan egg a girl could hope for. I got the Cuckoo and the Ameraucanas hoping for chocolate and blue eggs ... c'est la vie ... an egg is an egg is an egg. I love my girls; Lucy and Ethel, Frankie and Grace, Thelma and Louise and Red

The only egg on this plate that's not from an EE is the dark brown one. I have 6 EEs so I have one more to start start laying and I hope it's a nice blue one!
I started a breeding project this Spring, to add another generation to my Dominique flock. Had incubator issues and sadly only netted two healthy chicks...both Dom roosters. So I went to Murdochs and purchasd four female chicks advertised as as laying blue and white eggs, Ameracaunas and Leghorns respectively, to avoid mixing up eggs for breeding purposes. This to give my roosters guys more of a healthy social structure to mature in. Also some different colored eggs would be nice.

Theses new pullets just started laying this week, and the Amercaunas are laying pale brown eggs. Bummer for my breeding intentions. I love these girls, but feel like I have to rehome the Amercauanas, because some of my Dom's lay pale brown eggs, easily mixed up in color with the Amercauna eggs.
Mine layed her first egg and it was blue. Got her from Stockdales. She layed it last week and hasn't layed one since. Can they also lay light brown eggs also? Getting worried about her. She's doing great.

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