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  • Users: debs_flock
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  1. debs_flock


    That one was drilled in for so long (200+ rabbits in his herd), that "lagomorph" is my password into one of the programs at work. I figured NO ONE could guess that one, LOL. Now you all just have to figure out where I work and hack in Deb
  2. debs_flock


    Yup, frequent misconception that they are rodents. Scientific Classification Of Rabbits Class Mammalia Order Lagomorpha Family Leporidae Genus Oryctolagus Specie cuniculus Deb
  3. debs_flock


  4. debs_flock


    There's nothing like little boy legs in shorts! Deb
  5. debs_flock


    Just pluck out those few errant feathers, I'm sure everything else will grow back by then........... Oh wait, do they have classes for full NNs? Deb
  6. debs_flock


  7. debs_flock


    Oh my gosh, you have me in tears reading this. My oldest girl turned 10 a few days ago. I love dogs so much, I've had as many as 6 at a time for the last 45 years. About six months ago, I was in tears when I realized that at my age, I would probably only "know" at most another five dogs in my...
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