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  1. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Prairiechickens- that was a great idea! I should do that, let Con go with me to tend the other chicks/chickens and maybe get a headstart on learning to socialize with chickens.
  2. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Here's my one little chickie all by herself on her bear fur. Greatest idea EVER! All my other chicks are too big to keep her company so after a night of sleeping under my blanket on my soft feather pillow something had to change...I was sooo afraid of crushing her! Had some bear fur (supposed to...
  3. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Beautiful! Could it be that maybeline may be a "hebaline"? Just a thought because of the comb development. I love the egyptian eyes.
  4. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    ordered 40, got 50 alive, 1 d.o.a. mille fleur bearded duccles, silver sebrights, mottled houdans, crevecoeurs, russian orloffs, buff laced polish, white leghorns and buff orpingtons. 1st time ordering by mail- welp hatchery was excellent! Healthy vibrant chicks every one of them.
  5. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Pharoah looking eyes- do you have any adult easter eggers? That is what it reminds me of. Here are a few of my fav pics...
  6. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    you will find that they are even more friendly than ones bough from hatcheries. I think it's cuz they don't have a rough conveyor belt start.enjoy it:-)
  7. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    I saw the pic of your austrolorp and immediately said 'black jersey giant!' Because it looks exactly like my lady that is supposed to be a b.g. She and her sister were freebies, said to be b.g. /red sexlink mix. Even what I call the butt fluff that looks like it just poofs out behind the slicked...
  8. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    rhode island reds and tetras?
  9. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    I adore the EE chicks! They look egyptian. I want some but already have 3 rir and 6 silkie chicks that are 2 weeks old. 9 rir are due to hatch saturday and 17 rir due to hatch 3 days later. I planned to sell rir chicks but dh wants to keep all to sell eggs! I'm gonna sell some and negotiate for...
  10. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    That was my daughter's hand- I believe I've passed on chicken fever! 1st chicks we ever had last yr I was so scared of something happening to them that no one really got to mess with them. I've learned so much on byc that the kids now have their own chicks and everything is great.
  11. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Montagues and capulets! 1 hour after putting bought 3 day old silkie chicks in with home hatched 3 day old rir chicks. Bums to the other guys, i couldn't believe it. A few hrs later everyone was mingling fine.
  12. Cknldy

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Cynthia12- your ee chick is so beautiful! That is a spellbinding silver and the face markings make it look majestic. Absolutely beautiful:-)
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