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  1. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    At one time, Poutious had them for a few years and I guess the market was not as strong.....sold them all.
  2. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    My Hamburgs came from Jim LaGendre of OR. Wonderful guy and I've been pleased with his birds. What I see his birds are the Spangles are not "smutty" or smeared looking on tails. That was a difficult trait to breed out. He did talk about one of the Canadian import he had, and only had them a...
  3. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Silver Spangled Hamburg Bantams The first two pictures are pullets (6 to 8 mos old) and last picture is an aged hen (said to be five years old)
  4. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    The Hen #3, I see some "barring" in the primary wing feathers. Normal or not? Does anyone know where GF got their Barnvelders from? I hope it is not one of the lesser known breeder and where did GF imported the stock from what country? It would be very interesting to see what kind of egg...
  5. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I'm impressed with your Barnies! I sure do like the one with the cage background. I know her topline was a bit like a U but still beautiful lacing. Do they carry triple lacing? I've heard of double lacings on Barnvelders but not triple lacings. Does anyone know about the origin of the...
  6. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    We had approached this idea with the egg chart and we decided not to go that route. We are having a professional photographer to do the honors in the egg shell shades and we are still working on it when time allowed us to take a breather in the summer. It is coming along nicely as you please.
  7. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Not PINK PINK as in salmon pink.....too many color palette for salmon colors!
  8. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I know, I happen to see that a lot more frequently with one importer. It started off nice but after a while, problems started to magnify ten times and the next generation, ten times MORE and MORE effort to eliminate or breed it out. I am glad one breed club is doing something about it even it is...
  9. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    WOW! She seems to be a delightful woman after reading her letters, she seems to be very knowledgeable! Glad she wrote a book before she passed on.
  10. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    It was Annie Banning-Vogelpoel of Netherlands.
  11. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    YES! Voorhorst! Andre told me that he was a very nice guy but not serious like his grandfather was. I've heard of Schokkenkamp somewhere. Maybe it was one of the letters that a lady wrote, that was from Holland. She raised Cochins and a judge. She mentioned that she had to cut back on her...
  12. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I don't mean correcting the standard, just the breeding part or how to correct the light centers of feathers. Breeding to a DARK male or ????????? Genetics isn't my strong point.
  13. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I would like to say "blond shafts"?. But I do see grey slate down feathers near the body. How do we go about correcting it????? Does it depend on the male having more than 20 percent brown mottling on his chest for his daughters to get a bit darker shaftings?
  14. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Indeed I saw her in person and I was pleased to see her and liked her very well.
  15. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I remember somewhere in 1913 and thereabouts, the Kleins disease brought their numbers down. And WWI (ONE) a large numbers of birds were disposed of and the breeder at Welsum was only able to retain 12 hens and one cock. And by 1921, numbers rebounded, and in 1922-3, steps were taken to fix a...
  16. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I am "top dog" guilty any of you! I'm the one that started it but it was for educational purposes. I thought they belonged to Harrie and I didn't think he would mind at all. After all, I left the "water mark" on it. Should we remove it from BYC?
  17. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Me too! Comparing with the British and American Welsummers, those pictures scream DUTCH.....they do show refinement. How are your egg colors on your Dutch Welsummers coming along?
  18. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I agree with above statement! I see the hen's earlobes have some pale pinkish/white bloom and pale legs. She is very pleasant to look at all around. The rooster has some really nice YELLOW legs! I agree with you on the wing setting. The chest is a bit flat but I am sure with all that running...
  19. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Folks, I found a website that has the OLD pictures of British Welsummers. Such differences from then and today.
  20. EweSheep

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Yes! If I remember correctly, there were Mr Barber, Mr Grecizmel, Mr Netland, Mr Weihs, and one unnamed breeder were the FIVE breeders that was working on the SOP. Some had German birds and some had Dutch birds and from what I do know, that Mr Barber got his hatching eggs from a show in Wales...
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