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  1. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Got my replacement chicks in for the 3rd time this morning and all doing great,the cold weather really took a toll on them. I'll post pictures later!
  2. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    I've lost 14 and have 12 left I didn't get the marek's shot and they always put a little bit of the gel in the box when they put them in there. Like I said I have 14 plus a few extra cockerels for warmth coming. I'm gonna get an electrolyte packet from TSC before Monday or tomorrow so my...
  3. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Yea maybe they hatch different times. And like I said I was dead when I got them home and another was gasping for air which died,and than since than 9 more died. I came out this morning to the brooder to find 4 dead. It's the first time I ordered from any hatchery and I picked Mcmurray cause...
  4. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Huh that's weird we ordered just in January
  5. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Thank you and yes the free blue cochin is real sweet and let's me pick him/her up. I really hope it's a hen!! And your order was longer probably cause they might have run out or some of the breeds you chose aren't available till than. Either way it's great when you get them
  6. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    That's great,and not too long ago one of my white leghorn pullets died which when I opened the box she was kinda sluggish looking and they were standing on her too. But I'm glad the rest of them are lively,and I gave them a little bowl of sandy soil,wood ash,and diatamaceous earth and they...
  7. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    My chicks arrived!!!!!! Here's they are getting warmed up Here they are learning to drink Here's the biggest character of them all,my light brahma hen I'll open the door on the brooder and she'll come running to my hand. And get in the way of the other chicks when it's picture time My...
  8. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    I can't believe a week from now my chicks will be here it will be this Tuesday or Wednesday and my brooder already has pine shavings,feeder,water,roosts set up. Can't wait to get the call form the post office in a week!!! It's hard waiting for your little peepers
  9. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    He looks proud,If I end up with a rooster I'm probably gonna make him my new flock rooster so I can get new blood in the flock
  10. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    She's a beautiful polish,I ordered a buff polish. You lucked out on your freebie congrats
  11. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    That's cool to hear your family has always used one hatchery through out the years and sounds like they are a good hatchery. And that's the way to do it is to grow your homestead and learn along the way,I'm getting a garden started and the chicks that are coming are gonna be part of a little egg...
  12. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    I have my 26 chicks(plus mystery chick) shipping out February 2nd and I can't wait either!! And yes I heard they ship out more cockerels out than pullets as well. I'm thinking if I get a rooster,what ever breed is it I'm gonna make my new flock rooster. I have an amerecauna rooster I've had for...
  13. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    I'm pretty sure it's one of the questions toward the end of the ordering and it's already selected to add to your order but I'm pretty sure you can unselect it. But can't wait for mine they ship out February 2nd!!
  14. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Yea they are both good looking chickens and I ordered turkens too I love there looks
  15. chicken farmer

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Nice looking boy!! I heard they usually give ameracauna roosters since there surplus most of the time
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