Raising a wild baby sparrow


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2015
Seoul, South Korea
Hi! My friend found a baby sparrow under a tree and it couldn't fly so he felt sorry for it. So he brought it home asking his parents if he could raise it. I only just found out since I didn't check my Kakao Story until now. It looks from the picture that it couldn't open it's eyes yet. I'm not sure if his parents said yes yet either but if you were him what would you do? Oh and don't forget that we're 12 in 5th grade so there aren't that many recource we could look to.
Hi there, thank you for caring.
The first thing you need to be sure of is that the baby bird needed rescuing. Is it injured? Does the little bird have feathers or fluff? Did you notice his parents in the vicinity when you found him? Fledglings, often sit on the ground, but their parents bring them food. Lots of questions, but it helps to be able to guide you. If you do have a rehabilitation center or vet close by, it is often better to ask them to help the bird because baby birds take time to feed and look after. Let me know :)
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