Seizure? Any ideas of cause? Hen died :(


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 18, 2013
I have a chicken who has been lethargic, standing in the same spot, eyes closed a lot, white diarrhea. She won't eat, but drinks water. I checked her bum and it looks clear at the vent. She does have white poo residue sticking on her feathers. No coughing, wheezing, runny nose or discharge of any kind. I brought her into the house and she is in a dog crate. She still won't lay down on the hay in the crate. She is a Rhode Island red, about 16 weeks old. Free range. I have had chickens for a couple years, but never any sick ones so I am at a loss as to what is causing this. Any ideas?
I'm a total newbie here, but had a hen come down with very similar symptoms this past weekend. Lethargic, not really eating or drinking, white poop on tail feathers that turned white runny poop, and would daze out for moments at a time.
I brought her inside and put down a towel in our dog's kennel. Maybe a towel would be more comfortable. I also offered her yogurt and scrambled eggs. Both of which she ate.
I still have no idea what she was so sick with, but I ended up buying Sulmet at my local feed store and administering as indicated in the bottle. Sulmet is for coccidiosis, and I thought I would start there. My hen would drink, but not eat a thing after the eggs. A day later, and after being on Sulmet for almost two days, she ate bread covered in olive oil and this seemed to also perk her up a bit.
At one point, I thought also she might have sour crop, so be sure to check her crop as well in the morning before she has access to food or water.
Luckily, my hen did not have sour crop (or any crop issues) and has made a total rebound from Saturday while being on Sulmet. She's still getting the recommended dose at day 3 and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a recovery.
Good luck to you!
I'll let others with more experience suggest a diagnosis, but isolating her, keeping her warm is a good start. Id also give vitamin supplements / electrolytes in her water, pending some help with a diagnosis.

Good luck

Thank you for the responses. I really appreciate the coccidiosis suggestion. It sounds like this could be her problem. I have tried to give her oatmeal, scrambled eggs without any luck. She just won't eat. I am 2 hours from the nearest vet for testing. Does anyone know if harm could be done if I treat for coccidiosis if that isn't actually what she has? I have a friend who has Corid available.
Also, does coccidiosis usually cause a chicken to want to stand all the time rather than lay down? Normally she likes to lay in hay so that is what I placed in the dog crate for her. I will try a towel, but even before I separated her from the flock she was standing all the time when normally she wouldn't have been.
:( I lost her this morning. It was horrible. She didn't seem any worse than yesterday when I got up this morning. She still wouldn't eat any of the goodies I offered her, but she was alert. I was doing dishes and all of the sudden she started thrashing around in the dog crate. I ran over picked her up and held her close while she continued to spasm. Then she was gone. I am heartbroken. It was a horrific way to go. I feel so guilty now. Maybe I should have had the heart to end her suffering before now. I just didn't want to give up on her and I didn't realize how bad she was. We bonded so much over the last couple days.

Based on the way she went, almost like some sort of seizure, could this possibly have been something other than coccidiosis? The rest of the flock appears to be ok so far. I would really appreciate any ideas so I can educate myself to prevent this from happening again.
I am so sorry to hear this. Deeply sorry. I do not know much about coccidiosis and if this might be what she had. I'll let others with more experience speak to your questions.

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