Gender confirmed!! Cas is a....

Cas laid another egg last night. This one much larger (like 50% bigger) and soft shelled, with some "spots" of shell.

I read that proper shell formation takes about 24 hours, so is the soft shell simply because it was laid roughly 10 hours after the first one?

Before confirmation of sex, Cas has been fed greens high in calcium anyway (kale, mustard greens, broccoli, etc), so I don't think it's a calcium issue? But I'm no expert! Although, now that I do know, I'm off to buy some oyster shell today too.

Any advice helps!
Cas's system is just getting all the moving parts involved in forming an egg up and running. .....some glitches are to be expected. Your assessment is correct in that some steps were rushed and resulted in a non fully shelled egg, no worries as her system will soon get it together.
Also an odd question for anyone crafty? I'd like to blow out her first egg and make it an ornament! But I'm not sure about the egg blowing process? Anyone here goofy enough to save eggs know how? Lol
Thank you Ol Grey. I love coming here to confirm my thoughts! I'm still learning Lol.

Forgot to add that the exact day of the first egg was Cassys 6 month birthday! We weren't expecting a gender confirmation until next spring, guess I was a bit off! Lol
Also wanted to add, she's become a real cuddle bug lately, to the point of almost being needy, Lol. She stretches her neck up on my shoulder to give me a "hug", lifts her wings for a rub, nudges me with her bill if I stop petting her, and makes a coo type noise similar to a Kitty purr and closes her eyes when she's being pet!

Anyone is worthy of petting her once she's eyed em up and down to make sure they're OK, and she'll stand statue-like while enjoying all the snuggles! She's quieter now that she's laying and is just a joy to have around. Gosh I adore her!

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