INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Yes, it is.
Just checking is all......wouldn't want you to get in trouble for doing anything illegal

Parts were in the cab. Think I messed up by not putting them under the axle. Maybe next time.
Maybe put them underneath it and come back next week.
@sallysunshine hatch#1 37 eggs went to lock down 33 hatched of those 5 didn't make it ti 48 hours. I have incubator 2 hatch day today but temps ran low so expect late hatch. Incubator#2 has chucks due 4/29. 5 turkey eggs due May 6 . incubator #3 duck and turkey eggs I won on the crazy auction thread hatching in May.
Gotcha!!! Congrats!!!

Do I keep missing Sally? :|

Quote: hi Billy

@Sally Sunshine I have 20 HRIR eggs progressing well in my IncuView ... today is day 11.

Well it's day 7 and I think Miss Ellie the broody is totally failing. Although she has sat diligently on her eggs, it appears that she is not turning them and they are all growing on one side of the egg. I took the viable ones from her, hoping they will make it and put them in the incubator. I left her a few that I'm almost positive aren't viable and marked an X on one side so I can check to see if my assumption is correct. Has anyone ever had this happen? Suggestions? Here are two photos of the same egg:

this is normal !!!! they wont fill up the entire egg until day 13/14!!!
see our notes candling section for CAM info and look at some candles!
morning Benny

mornin whites

@Sally Sunshine MISS

@Sally Sunshine SALLY

@Sally Sunshine NEED

@Sally Sunshine ASAP

@Sally Sunshine HELP

oh you need help alright!!! lol
Good morning everyone!
I have been travelling for the last five days have to try to catch up again, only 1000 or so posts to go! BBL.
cc!! morning

yer sick! lol thats for the laugh
252 chicks hatched over the weekend!
I moved some of the older chicks out to tractors on grass. Nothing looks more contented that a young chicken stretched out in the grass, casually pecking at bits of greenery. If they could talk I imagine them saying "Ahhhh, this is the life!"
awesome congrats!!!!

Hey sweets, those lights and fan have to go INSIDE THE BATOR not outside

Stole a pick while she was of her nest.
where are her eggs?

thats perfecto!!
Gotta run... Toodles!

BTW, if anyone is interested in watching my bator build, I made an article...

I got to get out of here, too
Got to try to get the mower up on the trailer so I can take it to the dealer; it's got me beat, finally.
Chain hoist hooked the front of the trailer should work, eventually
dang that sucks whites
X2. Everything wants out of my coop until they actually get out. Then they run around the outside trying to get back in.
Mine are the same. They know how to escape the run but not how to get back in.

oh you need help alright!!! lol

yer sick! lol thats for the laugh
Why doesn't anybody believe me?

What you don't want a free cat?
:woot How many are you setting? You buy a hog for butchering?

.......and you're stuck at work.........:lau

How was the camping?
I don't work Mondays :)

work on a monday is about to do me in :he
though I am balancing the checkbook

Well if you did offend somebody than tell them to get over it. Is it still sexual harassment if he likes it?

Only if people around that hear it get offended, or at least that's what they said at the meeting at my office

eeeeepp... I hear chirping from incubator #2 Yayyy... Yesterday was day 21 but I had a hard time getting my still air to stay up at the still air recommended temps so expected late hatch (my circulated air incubator hatched on hatch day like good little chickies!)... Anyway I just had to share my excitement to discover there are some  chicks in there thinking about hatching!! :)

The brooder is cleaned out, though not wiped out. The feeders and waterers still need cleaned as well. The bedding is bagged up, and that is the important part.
The dishes I bought a few days ago have been washed, and I have started some laundry.
I am running out of plates because Duckling and I keep breaking them. She tries to help by putting dishes in the sink. Being a midget, she has to put them on the counter, then shove them in. I have broken a few when they slip out of my hand while I trip over one of her toys. The new ones are the four packs from Walmart that cost $.88 Service for 8 for only $5! They did not have the small plates, but I will get some of those too.
I was trying to get stuff done, but heard a loud racket outside. Apparently, the people behind me got some guineas. They had wandered over to my yard, and were trying to get into my coop. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that everyone's birds want inside my coop? I don't mean bio security, I mean am I doing something wrong or something right that they prefer my coop?
good price for dishes! And you are obviously doing something right!
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