Why is my Blue Andalusian doing this?


Aug 21, 2015
Rochester, NY
I should start by saying I don't mind that she does this, but she's the only one out of our 6 hens that does it.
Every time I go see them (usually once a day for about 30 minutes), I'll sit down in the run and most of them will come up to see me. My blue, though, has started burrowing into my arm and won't leave until I remove her or there's food. Sometimes she sleeps, mostly she just chills, and her head isn't covered so I don't think she's hiding... She is the smallest out of the 6 but they all get along just fine
Anyone have experience with this behavior?

You have what I call a "cuddle bum". I have several, and they would spend hours like that if I would let them.

Why it is that they do this is up for speculation. I believe they find it comforting to tuck their head into a soft, dark place thus making the world go away for a bit.
When I'm down on the ground, raking poop out from under the coop, I'll get a stampede from all the cuddle bums to crowd into my crotch and under my arms. I think the record was nine hens.

They're often so "blissed" out, when I stand up and move on, they remain in this bundled formation for another minute or so until they notice I'm gone.

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