Free-Range Rabbits?

Very interesting topic! I would love to keep some meat rabbits... Yet I have to say this: a caged rabbit is not being treated badly as long as it has space, food, shelter, water, some sort of protection from bright lights/disturbing noises. Many people keep healthy, happy rabbits in cages. Would they rather be outside? Of course, they are direct descendants of wild animals. Is this necessarily safe for them? No. Predators can get them much more easily, even humans hunting may shoot your rabbit. Also, I wouldn't want my meat rabbits eating pesticide and chemical laced plants and vegetables from other people's yards. If you can contain your free-ranged rabbits, then yes, bye all means, do so. But so many people think that rabbits "Should be free" and release them to roam freely. They think the rabbit is off living a "natural" life, when it is really being ripped apart by a hawk or other predator. So please be conscious and careful when free ranging rabbits. They can die easily from heatstroke, frostbite, even stress. When I was in third or fourth grade, I had a friend who owned a box turtle. She released it into a creek behind her house promptly after receiving it. Did it survive? No, there was no way. That turtle could barely survive with human care, being fed pre-packaged food. Also, keep in mind that rabbits can become pests in other people's yards. They may be cute and cuddly to you, but next thing you know they are eating your neighbor's crops and they shoot it. Just don't get all fired up if something like that happens. Please don't take this in the wrong way, but if your rabbits ended up on MY property, eating MY food, they would be dealt with accordingly. I in no way mean to be rude, I am just trying to keep you reminded of the possible dangers and cons of free ranging
Make it a large covered rabbit run... one you can move around the garden. You can let it run around free when you are there to watch it.

Letting a domestic rabbit 'free' is cruel and will end up in disaster at some point... most likely a dog killing it when it escapes your yard... or a car.

As a pet animals you have responsibility for it... its not responsible to let it wander about without supervision.... sure it might be a nice idea.. but we are living in the real world.. and a rabbit is a prey species... that's whey they have so many babies as most will meet a nasty end.

You would not let a toddler free range without supervision.. even through he or she might be happier wandering around exploring rather then being in the house or play pen.
The "rabbit tractor" is a good idea. Put an apron on the inside to keep them from digging out.
A large tractor should be good. Just be careful. I've seen rabbits chew through thick wire. In your yard your rabbits can be pests. You should see the damage they can do to a garden in hordes...
How do we allow our 4 kit rabbits and 4 adult rabbits to run free in a space in the yard. How do you predator proof it. Deer netting on top.. Do you dig 3 feet or more down and put some kind of heavy netting. Not chicken wire fencing because it's to them and can be eaten through.maybe concrete on top of it.or wood or metal. Space around area. Wood bricks netting or fencing.something to block holes. A warm shed I enclosed for shelter. Anything else.

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