My younger hens have started laying!! But they are all brown, not sure if my ameracauna has begun

Well she looks right for her breed! Has she laid yet? I'd think she would lay white eggs like other leghorns, but perhaps Danish are different. (I did a quick google search and apparently they should lay white!)

As for the one who you're not sure if she's Ameraucana, many hatcheries sell their Easter Eggers under the name Americauna or they straight out try to say they're "Ameraucana/Easter Egger". But Easter Eggers are nice too :)
Here is an actual pic of my so called americauna sweetpea. I have two others posted comment on their apparent breed if you like.

I was told this is a young americc
Top picture has an Easter Egger pullet, Dominique and I think an old English game rooster. Bottom is mixed breed cockerel
Try to find some local shows. There are a lot if OEGB breeders out there. He looks like a black breasted red.
Try to find some local shows. There are a lot if OEGB breeders out there. He looks like a black breasted red.

X 2 - you can also use your state thread in the 'Where Am I/Where Are You" section to find other poultry keepers (and breeders) near you - even if no one in the thread has the birds you are looking for it is a great way to start networking and someone there might be able to put you in touch with the person you need to get the birds you are looking for.

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