Blue Laced Red Wyancotte

Welcome to BYC! BLRW are becoming very popular, so chances are someone will have what you are looking for - but to best answer that for you it would help to know your location (even just a state if you want to keep it vague), as this may direct recommended breeders/sources for the birds you are seeking.
I live in Gurley AL. I have raised chickens in the past but would prefer not to have to order 15-20 chics at a time.

Once you have 20 posts you can use the buy-sell-trade forum. It's easy enough to get 20+ posts...just find a thread you are interested in and join in on the discussion. Or welcome other new members!

Have you chatted with the members on your state thread yet? That can be helpful for tips or finding swaps, breeders, etc.

Good luck finding the birds you want!

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