Is this a Golden Sex Link Rooster or a Brahma?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
First, I'd like to thank everyone who contributes to BYC. It has been educational and a real pleasure spending time on these boards as we grow our own herd of gals. Our first set of six are about nine weeks old. We purchased what we thought was a single golden sex link pullet, "Popcorn". As soon as Popcorn started growing its white and black feathers, we sensed something was off. Now we think its either a rooster or a Brahma. It has rather large furry feet and looks much like a Brahma. Will you assist in determining what Popcorn is? I wouldn't care but we're not zoned for roosters here. If a roster, Popcorn could pose an issue. THANKS!

First, I'd like to thank everyone who contributes to BYC. It has been educational and a real pleasure spending time on these boards as we grow our own herd of gals. Our first set of six are about nine weeks old. We purchased what we thought was a single golden sex link pullet, "Popcorn". As soon as Popcorn started growing its white and black feathers, we sensed something was off. Now we think its either a rooster or a Brahma. It has rather large furry feet and looks much like a Brahma. Will you assist in determining what Popcorn is? I wouldn't care but we're not zoned for roosters here. If a roster, Popcorn could pose an issue. THANKS!

Popcorn is a rooster, and maybe a light Brahma? Not a golden sex link, I think.

For comparison, here is a light Brahma rooster. Best of luck!
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You have a handsome light Brahma cockerel.
That much red comb and wattles at this young age. Look at your other birds, they are pullets and have tiny, fleshy colored combs at this point. They'll pink up after 4 months, when they're getting ready to lay eggs.

If you look at his overall shape, he'll be leggier and have a more gawky look while the ladies are softer and more feminine looking.
He's always been larger than the others even though they were all the same age. I just thought it was some super breed. Well, chicken poo! Thanks for the help!

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