
7 Years
Jun 27, 2013
Just went out to put the chickens in and noticed my favorite hen has a massive side injury. It looks as though from the top of her back all the way down is skinned. She is also limping on that side. Not sure what to do at this point. Can get pics in a few. She is currently in my bathtub while I feed my baby until I can assess her wounds further. It looks horrible. :( we are unsure what happened. Couple days ago she injured her comb to the point where it's hanging off by a thread. Thinking possible cat attack... our neighbors have a cat that is an avid hunter and has gone after a chicken before. :(
is she an only chicken?

If not, separate her. a dog kennel or even a cardboard box will work.
You should gently clean the wound. put an antibiotic ointment on it if you have any.
It is ok to keep the wound open to the air.

Do not use anything with "caine" in it for antibiotic ointment.

Keep her quiet , provide lots of water. She may be in shock and quiet for a few days on her own.

Post back about what you have done so far

CHickens recover from horrific injuries, so it is very likely that she will recover.
I just saw your reply I'm sorry!! She's been living in my spare bathroom while she heals. I cleaned her up and sugar packed it per a vet. I pulled the feather skin back up and bandaged it. I kept changing bandages but didn't peel the skin back. I let her outside today to run around and took the bandages off and noticed some mold on her side. So I pulled back the skin and it's covered in mold!!!!! I feel absolutely terrible but I didn't think peeling back the skin was a good idea at every bandage change. :(
I would soak her in a dilute Betadine bath. Warm water, add Betadine to a weak tea color. It will help gently clean the wound without causing pain and reach places you can't. My chickens will relax in the sink and soak (with me holding them). Then make sure she's in a warm place to dry. I never bandaged any wounds my girls had, preferring to let them dry.

We had a Brahma that was horribly injured by a dog. She healed and eventually regrew her skin and is now fine.
don't feel too bad, a baby takes a lot of time!

now that she is cleaned up, put some antibiotic on if you have it, or better yet, nustock. Nustock is the best thing for wounds - sulphur in a pine tar oil base, keeps infection away. I've used it many times on chicken injuries from hawks and dogs and never ever had a problem. Avail online and at feed stores, sometimes kept in the sections with horse meds. Another option which might be easiest at this point, better than the ointment or nustock, would be to get some pure sulphur - flowers of sulphur - make sure it is 100% pure. it is usually at garden centers or in the garden section, and also online. THis is a yellow powder, and you can just sprinkle it on the open wound and you are done!

At this point, I would not cover the wound, but would keep her in a kennel with old towels, sheets, whatever. Means extra laundry for you but better than hay or shavings that would adhere to her wound. If you feel like you have to cover the wound, check it frequently. You may need to clean it.

You can give her extra protein to help heal, that would be scrambled egg, meat.....

You can still let her out now and then, and it would be really great if you could keep her near the other chickens. better for her, and makes it easier to integrate her back to the flock. Plus, you won't have the smell of her droppings in your house!

If you don't have a dog kennel, maybe borrow one, or if your coop has enough room, make a separate temporary area for her with chicken wire or plastic netting.

Good luck!

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