Hi I'm a new member from Malvern, PA

Thanks @CuzChickens
 ! We're learning that personality counts a lot when selecting a breed. Our Super Blue Egg Layer and Buff Orpington are a lot friendlier than the New Hampshire Red and Black Copper Maran. The kids love them because they can pet them. They also come running for treats when we whistle. New Hampshire Red and Black Copper Maran walk over uninterestedly.
Yep! So true! Most of my breeds are pretty friendly, the Silver Laced Wyandottes are not so friendly, and neither is the Leghorn, or the Light Brahma, but everybody else is almost too friendly!
Yep! So true! Most of my breeds are pretty friendly, the Silver Laced Wyandottes are not so friendly, and neither is the Leghorn, or the Light Brahma, but everybody else is almost too friendly!
Hi @CuzChickens , that's very interesting. Your sig says you have 8 Silver and 3 Golden laced Wyandottes. Are all 8 Silver unfriendly and the Gold ones friendly? Or is there a sliding scale of friendlieness between all 11? When we got our Buff Orpington I read that they are the friendliest breed, and sure enough, she is very friendly.

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