Chicken Sitting


6 Years
May 11, 2016

We are planning on getting 3 hens, for our urban chicken coop.

We travel occasionally, therefore I wanted to ask, if anybody knew a website that I could locate pet sitters, that would also do chickens? I know about, but its all dogs.

If anybody has been in this situation, any advise will be appreciated. If we cant get reliable pet sitters, we wont be able to get chickens :(

Thank you,

Think most people have a friend or a relative watch their flock while gone. Don't think there are any online resources for chicken sitting ... probably because of biosecurity measures. If the sitter went from one location to yours, they carry the germs, etc. from place to place and could make the chickens sick. Just my opinion.
Thank you for your advise. Unfortunately I have already asked on Facebook to our family & friends, and they are all city people...nobody volunteer...
Introduce yourself into your state thread ... never know, might find someone who lives close to you. Don't just ask your family and friends ... bring them over to meet your chickens and with the funny things chickens do, they might end up liking them. Just casually work the care of the chickens into the conversation a little at a time over several visits (barbecues, etc.).
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I started carrying eggs to work and they all asked what I charged. I said that, when I travel, you get to come gather the eggs and, while you're at it, check the feed and water.......One guy jumped at the chance. He lives far in the other direction, but he's willing if I ever need him
You might try asking local petsitters if they'd do chickens. Our dog/cat sitter has thankfully been willing to scoop chicken poop from coop once a day (not a whole lot different than a cat box) and check chicken food/water. We tried to make it as easy as possible for her (I added a second waterer and a full feeder will take our six for a week). Automatic door also helps--neighbor can eyeball that it's safely shut at night from their yard. I've been surprised at how low-maintenance they can be!
Our local high school has a student employment website. It usually takes a few days to find a kid who you think is responsible enough to show up every day. I have them come over once to show them what to do, and send them home with a ziploc of feed (if I think they will have to refill the feeder) and an empty gallon water jug. That way they won't need access to our house.
Think most people have a friend or a relative watch their flock while gone. Don't think there are any online resources for chicken sitting ... probably because of biosecurity measures. If the sitter went from one location to yours, they carry the germs, etc. from place to place and could make the chickens sick. Just my opinion.
Very, very good point.

You'd need someone who knows chickens, IMO, so they'd know how to handle them, behave around them, and how to spot a problem - and know what to do about it.

I think this is a huge 'Romance meet Reality' aspect of the backyard chicken keeping fad,
growing/keeping food animals doesn't often allow for vacations...or even being gone from home at dawn and dusk.

If you have an adequately sized, properly ventilated, a very secure coop and run, and fool-proof feed/water dispensers,
you may be able to leave them with no supervision for a day or three.
Thank you guys, for such great ideas how to handle.

I think I will work it slowly with our family & friends.

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