You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

Good thing you don't have Emu
I want an emu! Hey, that reminds me of another funny story!
So I live on the prairie in the middle of nowhere, in farm country,k. Me and the siblings were talking the dogs on a walk down "the dirt road" and I kept saying to myself, "that thing looks a heck of alot like an emu." And yep, low and behold, it was an emu!
Just running loose in the hay field across the road from our house!!! Good thing we didn't get close, cuz it turns out that he doesn't like dogs... or kids
Aspen (the dog) was going nuts.
I want an emu! Hey, that reminds me of another funny story!
So I live on the prairie in the middle of nowhere, in farm country,k. Me and the siblings were talking the dogs on a walk down "the dirt road" and I kept saying to myself, "that thing looks a heck of alot like an emu." And yep, low and behold, it was an emu! :lau  Just running loose in the hay field across the road from our house!!! Good thing we didn't get close, cuz it turns out that he doesn't like dogs... or kids :oops:  Aspen (the dog) was going nuts.

Wow! That's weird. Was he abandoned maybe? I used to live by a person with Emus. They are so cool :) But my mom won't let me get one because they're supposedly really mean :/
Wow! That's weird. Was he abandoned maybe? I used to live by a person with Emus. They are so cool
But my mom won't let me get one because they're supposedly really mean
No, he just got loose and was "free-ranging." And yeah, they can be pretty nasty. But they can also be sweet - and great comic relief at the end of the day, from the videos of friendly emus that I've seen

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