Heart Break


May 5, 2016
Attalla, Ala
Just wanted to let everyone know that after 43 heart breaking days and a hard struggle my husband died on Dec 13,2016. Although he had Parkinson's he died from a sudden attack of uninary tract infection, pancreatis, and sepsis. He got sick one afternoon with pain in his stomach, went to hospital to ER and then to ICU. He spent several days there then on to a room and a few days later discharged to rehab. Three days later he was found in the floor and rushed back to the hospital with delirium. Things just got worse from there and finally they recommended he go on hospice. It was a relief but I did not know that with hospice they gave them morphine that stopped all communication with us. He never spoke and hardly moved for the 14 days he lived with no water or food. It was so very hard to see him waste away right before my eyes and there were no goodbyes. I seem to have lost all interest in my chickens and everything else. I miss him so much and I can't believe he is not coming back.
I'm so very sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Your detachment and loss of interest is a normal part of grief; if feeding the chickens gives you a reason to get up in the morning, they may help you to work through this. Once again, my condolences.
Spurrer, I am so very sorry that you lost your life long partner. To see such suffering is very hard. I pray that you will find comfort in your mourning, that you will have friends and family who will gather around you and provide the support you need. You are in a state of shock right now, and you have a lot of emotions to work through. Time will not erase the loss, but your days will get better. There will come a day when you can remember your dear husband with a smile on your face, remembering the good times, instead of a tear stained face, remembering the last painful days. May God bless you and meet you in your time of mourning.
Thats so terribly sad. I feel like crying for you.


I pray and hope that you ill find comfort, loosing your husband must be the worst thing in the world, and i really hope you dont go into a state of depression, hes in a better place, and you were always there for him. He will never really be gone, hes in your heart. And never forget he loved you...im so sorry, i just cant find the right words to say
I'm very, very sorry to hear that. My Dad died similarly from Dementia/Alzheimer's back in 2011. He was in a secure hospice setup and we watched him go without food and water just like you described. So I really feel for you. I've seen people I know lose their spouse and I can't even imagine how painful that would be. That's the one person in the world I'm closest to and the one I'd hate to see go the most. I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers.
I am so very sorry for your loss & I can't begin to imagine the pain & sorrow you are going through right now. I only hope & pray that with time you will come to a more peaceful place in your life.

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